
Periplaneta Americana Experiment

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The entire experiment was conducted on an adult cockroach, Periplaneta americana, which was anesthetized using CO2 followed by an exposure of the ventral nerve cord using the method outlined in the PNB 3263WQ Laboratory Manual (Moiseff, 2016). Exposure to sound stimulation began with a spontaneous recording which was used as baseline for the obtained firing rate, followed by Auditory stimulation at 200 Hz, 400 Hz, 600 Hz and Ultrasonic pest repellent (UPR, which emits a sound frequency of 25,000 Hz). Eight trials were performed per sound frequency with 10 second rest between each trial and 1-minute rest allowed between frequency change. (Fig.1). the length of each stimulation lasted for 250 msec. eight specimens were used in the experiment …show more content…

The oscilloscope was used to determine that electrode placement was sufficient to record neural activity. This was determined by looking for a recording with minimal background noise and clear spontaneous extracellular action potentials (EAPs) . Criteria for an EAP included the presence of a clear bi- or triphasic waveform amplitude peak above 10 mV. For each specimen, the total firing rate i.e: the count of EAPs present within 250 msec was recorded, the average of each specimen was taken and total grand mean as well as the stand deviation were calculated. All of the imaging recording were analyzed using video recorder and the freeze option to accurately measure the degree change within each stimulation. A total of 8 trials at each sound frequency totaling to 16 trials per specimen, we examined the same 8 specimens that were later used for dissection and exposure of VNC experimental part of the study. An ANOVA statistical analysis was used to compare the result of five experimental conditions. This test was performed for the average firing rate. As well as Tucky HSD test was used to determine which conditions were statistically significant and which ones were

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