
Perks Of Being A Wallflower Trauma Essay

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The Unforgettable Trauma Throughout the book, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, almost every time Aunt Helen’s name was mentioned, it seemed depressing, her life has been crap. She was Charlie's aunt and they were very close, the book is based on personal letters Charlie is sending to a “friend”. He explains how his aunt went through traumatic experiences and did things that most of us would never ever do. The trauma Aunt Helen went through affected her life, consciously, leading to drug abuse and unhealthy relationships. As a child, Aunt Helen was molested so now as she’s older she thinks it is okay to molest Charlie at a young age. Charlie suggests that, “[he] would have to blame her dad for hitting her and the friend of the family …show more content…

He implies that his Aunt Helen,”had many problems with men and boys.”(89). Susanne Babbel calls it a syndrome that doesn't only affect the person with trauma and their family, but also their society. Back then many cultures made people keep their traumatic experiences to themselves since some were ashamed. This still happens today, religious families suppress that type of information so people won't go off talking behind their backs, but they are only thinking about themselves and their reputation. Their reputation isn't so important compared to a person's adulthood after getting molested and not getting the help they need. Just simply going to therapy and accepting the fact that many get molested at a young age is what many families need to do instead of hiding it and letting the victim suffer. The fact that she had relationship problems led her to drug and alcohol abuse as an adult. Susanne Babbel mentions that,”Substance abuse is a common outcome of sexual abuse.” She also noted that researchers have estimated about a high percentage of people that were once sexually abused have had a history with some form of substance abuse. After going through something so traumatic as sexual abuse, people do drugs or drink to forget and move on, therapy is needed at that point because once a person makes drinking and smoking part of their lives it will

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