

Good Essays

Reading Notes for Persepolis Series
Book 2- Page 1-91
• Marjane moves in with her mother’s friend Zozo in Austria but not for long is sent to a boarding house with nuns due to an excuse by unpleased Zozo
• Marjane makes a new friend in the boarding house, Lucia, who only knows German
• The Marjane goes to school, making new friends and boosts her fame
• She goes to Tyrol (southwest Austria) with Lucia for Christmas, meeting Lucia’s parents
• Marjane got into a fight with the nuns and was asked to leave the boarding house afterwards moving in with Julie and her parents, building a good bond with Julie's mom, Armelle
• Marjane begins to change her look and look more pretty from her body that changed after puberty
• “If they knew that their daughter …show more content…

Hellar’s home, living in one room on rent, building hate at Hellar’s dog for pooping on her bed
• Marjane hangs around at an anarchist compound, where she does her drugs and finds another boy named Markus
• They both do well together, but the boy’s mom doesn’t like …show more content…

Marjane loves the country and thinks of being way better than torn-up Iran. “It was bitterly cold. I stayed on a bench, immobile… I watched the people going to work.” (Page 82), though Austria is a safe and calm environment, it was hard for people with not a lot of support to live there. No one cares and if your alone, it may as well be worse; like for Marjane. This presents a mood to the reader of being sorry for all the people that live in poverty. They once weren’t like this, its just the situation they are put in lead them to

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