
Persepolis: The Iranian Revolution

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The perception of the Iranian Revolution In 1979 the Shah of Iran was overthrown by the Iranian Revolution, leaving the Ayatollah to take charge of the country. The Shah was very westernized and he focused on pleasing Western countries, he did things to benefit such countries in order to become friends with them and he wanted Iran to become like them. He even gave the U.S and the U.K the “keys” to the oil fields which was a key aspect of Iran’s economy at the time. On the other hand the Ayatollah was very restrictive and conservative, he wanted Iran to be a very religious place where everyone had to follow very precise and stricts rules. The very quick and dramatic change from a westernized culture to a more conservative Iranian one changed a lot of people's views and opinions on Iran and it’s political status. In Marjane Satrapi’s book, Persepolis, the main character Marjane feels the effects of the political change that occured in Iran, often in the book she speaks of her dislike of the Ayatollahs rules and regulations and she also talks about her preference of the westernized lifestyle and culture. Many aspects of the Ayatollah’s rules bug and irke Marjane such as the implementation of the veil. Marjane is a very free spirited and fierce character in the book, therefore she hates the regulations that the …show more content…

The government thought that Anoosh was a russian spy, so they captured him and killed him “The truth is, they captured Anoosh”(72). Marjane loved Anoosh with the bottom of her heart, and he was a big role model for her, but when she found out that he had been captured, it really got her thinking about the Aytaollla’s actions and the effects that he had on her family. Anoosh’s death was just one big reason along with another bunch of other smaller reasons why Marjane despised her government so much. The Ayatollah let down and continued to let down Marjane throughout the whole course of the

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