
Perseverance In And Still We Rise By Miles Corwin

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In the book And Still We Rise By MIles Corwin, we hear the stories of students childhood and upbringing. We also hear about their aspirations for the future but each of them seem to have extensive barriers that try to stunt their growth. Throughout the book we see how it’s not how someone is brought up that dictates who they are, but it’s that person’s perseverance that makes them who they are.
The first time this was shown in the book was with Sadikifu aka Sadi. HIs father became a crack addict and left his family when Sadi was only five years old. This left his mom a single parent who needed a liver transplant, making them live on welfare. Through this time his life was bearable and Sadi’s hard work was finally starting to payoff but this all had to come to an abrupt stop. When Sadi was about to get a scholarship to Pasadena his father then decided to resurface. This was Sadi’s turning point and from then he was rebellious and got into many fights, eventually sending him to jail. When he finally got out of jail he found it hard for him to reaccommodate back into his school. Eventually he found himself winning first prize in the city speech championship and that he finally felt accepted once again and vered back on the right right path. Every since then he continously aspired to be a writer.
The next student that showed perseverance was Venola. Venola and her mother moved from Louisville to Los Angeles with $125 that her mom earned each week. Since her mom had to always

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