
Person Centered Theraphy Essay

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“If I can provide a certain type of relationship the other person will discover within himself (sic) the capacity to use that relationship for growth and change and personal development will occur.”
-Carl Rogers
Person – Centered theraphy (Rogerian Theraphy)
Person – centered Theraphy (PCT) was developed by Carl Rogers in the 1940’s. PCT is also known as person – centered psychotherapy, person centered counselling, client –centered theraphy and Rogerian psychotheraphy.
PCT is a form of talk –psychotheraphy developed by psychologist Carl Rogers in the 1940s and 1950s.The goal of PCT is to provide clients with an opportunity to develop a sense of self where they can realize how their attitudes, feelings and behavior are being negatively affected. …show more content…

He still felt that the client was the one who should say what is wrong, find ways of improving, and determine the conclusion of therapy -- his therapy was still very "client-centered" even while he acknowledged the impact of the therapist. Unfortunately, other therapists felt that this name for his therapy was a bit of a slap in the face for them: Aren't most therapies "client-centered?"
Nowadays, though the terms non-directive and client-centered are still used, most people just call it Rogerian therapy. One of the phrases that Rogers used to describe his therapy is "supportive, not reconstructive," and he uses the analogy of learning to ride a bicycle to explain: When you help a child to learn to ride a bike, you can't just tell them how. They have to try it for themselves. And you can't hold them up the whole time either. There comes a point when you have to let them go. If they fall, they fall, but if you hang on, they never learn.
It's the same in therapy. If independence (autonomy, freedom with responsibility) is what you are helping a client to achieve, then they will not achieve it if they remain dependent on you, the therapist. They need to try their insights on their own, in real life beyond the therapist's office!

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