
Person-Centered Therapy: A Therapeutic Analysis

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My YouTube evaluation, evaluated “Person-Centered Therapy Demonstration” posted by therapeutic speakeasy on February 23, 2016. This was a twenty-five-minute demonstration at a masters level clinical skills training conducted by Dr. Sarah Stewart Spencer and Dr. Jamison Law. The specific theory observed in this demonstration is the person-centered theory. Person-Centered Therapy (PCT) is a humanistic approach from the early 1940's that was articulated by Dr. Carl Rogers and currently being studied and expanded by psychologist and colleagues alike. The theory proposes that the agent for self-change is the client rather than the therapeutic techniques. However, like many other humanistic approaches, …show more content…

Sarah Stewart Spencer) who immediately shift control of the session over to the client. This first statement was the main determinant in me choosing this video. Person-Centered Therapy is being presented from the beginning of the session. The client (Dr. Jamison Law) tries to shift the control back to the counselor by stating he doesn't know where to start however the counselor replies with a simple what brings you in in order to redirect the control of the session back to the client. This introduction led to the discussion of the client's marital issues and current home life. As the client shares, the counselor is looking for hand gestures, smiles, head nods and many other non-verbal communication reactions that could possibly be used to seek clarification. For example, the counselor comments on the notice of a smile when the client talks about how much he loves his wife. Despite the fact the counselor interjects, the focus of the session is still devoted to the client. The counselor finds a point of summary when the client is done explaining the purpose of his attendance. The counselor uses this as an opportunity to state her inferences and clarify her understanding of the client's current …show more content…

The demonstration did more than an exceptional job at including many components in the Person-Centered Therapy approach and made it easy for the viewer to pinpoint certain qualities as well as see them being applied. The first thing I observed was the attitude of the therapist. “Rogers maintain that three therapist attributes create a growth-promoting climate in which individuals can move forward and become what they are capable of becoming: congruence, unconditional positive regard, accurate empathic understanding.” (Corey2005) It is obvious the conductors of this demonstration was aiming at portraying a therapist that exemplified the role of a person-centered therapist. The therapist in the example demonstrated genuineness, a true acceptance of the client and seemed to have pure empathy for the client as he spoke about his situation. Person-Centered therapy is rooted in the idea that the therapist attitude of therapist facilitates personality change in the client. A person-centered therapist must avoid many directive therapists such as intending to diagnose, creating treatments and aiming to manage, conduct, regulate or control the client. The therapist in the example never asked any directive questions. She only asked questions or clarification or elaboration, even then the therapist used phrases like “tell me more about this” or “so what you're expressing is...”. This allows the client the freedom to explore areas in

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