
Personal Beliefs Affect Behavior

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A person’s beliefs affects their behavior in personal, political, and religious ways. The relationship between personal, political and religious beliefs has been studied extensively. This is proven in a personal way by people putting in their input and emotions. Also not settling for nothing less. The problem with this is that people tend to give ideas and think it’s the best idea. But tries to force them to go with it but do not because they believe it isn’t all that. So what they do is tell them they're gonna do something with it but don’t just so they stop the pushing of it forward.
Affected behavior is shown in a political way by the kids taking in what they get from their parents and using it in their life. This …show more content…

This is evidence that doing things for others comes from inside a person instead of from outside pressures. Another way beliefs affect behavior is by genuine altruism. “If I’m feeling good about myself, I can respond to the needs of others” (“Genuine Altruism”). This proves that one way someone helps others is if they're in the mood to help. People try to help when they have the time. “People who choose to help when they have the opportunity to pass by, like the good Samaritan, aren’t motivated by their own discomfort” (“Genuine Altruism”). This shows that if the person is not comfortable with helping they will not.Sometimes people help because they feel sorry for them. “Was once seen giving money to a beggar. When asked why, he explained that he was mostly trying to relieve his own distress at seeing the beggar’s distress” (“Genuine Altruism”2). This quote is evidence that people help because they care. Another way beliefs affect behavior is by altruism in children. Some people tend to the need of others. “There’s a basic human tendency to be responsive to other person’s needs, not just your own” (“Altruism in children”3). This proves that people take other people’s needs into consideration. People do things for a reason and they …show more content…

Politicians are good people and they use what they know about the people and uses it to get them to vote for them. “Politicians know that if they believe ethically, their constituents, are more likely to continue voting for them” (“Acting Ethically”). People think that if the environment shows any kinds of negativity it could cause problems with human behavior. “Democrats believes that the environment must be protected from those will exploit it for their own means. We are part of this ecosystem. Its destruction is our destruction” (“Environment”2). This shows how the destruction of the environment can cause human behavior to go off the grid. People should be able to give their own ideas without getting rejected. “The right for people to express their beliefs and advocate their ideas is paramount in a democracy. Though as unique people, we will find some ideas repugnant, but the First Amendment is virtual to the free exchange of ideas and should never be violated” (“We The People”). This shows that people should have a say on what changes they want to happen. People should be able to pursue their dreams without being discriminated “Democrats believe that all people should be able to pursue their goals to spite their religion, race, ethnic background or sexual orientation” (“Political Belief”). People should not be judged on things they can not change in their

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