
Personal Essay: Did Curiosity Kill The Cat?

Decent Essays

Did curiosity kill the cat? Curiosity, like many words, can be apprehended in either a positive or a negative way based on perspective. In the perspective of an eight-year old acquiescent and jaunty child like I was, just about anything and everything seemed like an opportunity to question how and why things happened. Looking back, it is funny how simple questions helped mold my sixteen-year-old self today.

It was a pleasant December night when my father decided to take me and my cousins to get ice cream. Being the lively child I was, I bolted to the car hoping to be seated by the window. Half way into our car ride, I looked out the window and up at the starry sky and wondered, “Why is that start following me?” While I was deep in thought, …show more content…

I no longer restricted myself within my comfort zone. My curiosity no longer scared me, instead it motivated me to do better. Climbing mountains and journeying to far places just to reach out seemed like an everyday activity. I exposed myself to things I didn’t usually do. I painted classrooms and even included myself in a community I wasn’t used to just so I could make a change. My curiosity impelled me to seek for more knowledge and eventually became my drive to try new things. Instead of wondering about the stars, I now wonder about how I can make people appreciate beauty in all things and probed the endless possibilities of photography. Needless to say, I am no longer hesitant in wondering what would happen if I ventured into things that I didn’t usually do, instead it excites me. I sampled the world of being a varsity swimmer, and even a runner, but alas, my passion for serving others triumphs all my passions. In essence, I yearn for the answers to the “who’s” the “why’s,” and the “how’s” that continue to baffle me every day. According to the story, curiosity did kill the cat, although like myself, satisfaction and the acceptance of growth brought it

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