
Personal Essay: Entering High School

Satisfactory Essays

When entering high school, every student knows they need to find their niche. At the very beginning of my freshman year I decided to go out for drama club by auditioning for the fall play. My brother had just been the lead in the fall play the past year and suggested that I should try out for drama. I decided to give drama club a shot and little did I know where that would lead me.

I auditioned for the fall play my freshman year and was the only Freshman to make the show. I worked as hard as I could that show and I loved it. I continued to act and improve as much as I could throughout the next two years. By the end of my sophomore year I had been in six productions and was a leader in the productions. That's why when it was time to apply to be a director in the student directed One Acts, I applied with my friend Rahul. We were accepted as one of the duos, although I was the only junior among the eight directors.

My partner and I were given freedom to choose our own show and direct it with minimal interference. We even cast our own show and decided to gender flip the original show we chose, meaning we rewrote much of it. It was amazing to direct my fellow …show more content…

I had not applied to be a assistant director for The Sound of Music as I was a junior and it was not common for them to direct, but I was called upon to be a co- director when the assistant director was going to be on vacation for the initial blocking of the show, and I accepted. My duties included keeping track of and writing down all of the blocking, helping solve any difficulties in staging the show, collecting all the paperwork and money from the cast that was needed, leading the cast in warm ups everyday, and acting as a general source of advice and guidance for the cast. The classic show went off without a hitch and I was very proud of what I was able to accomplish through hard work and

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