
Personal Essay: Poem Analysis

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Kinsley was born on September 17, 2015 at 9:24pm. She was born prematurely and four and a half pounds under weight. Due to this, Kinsley needed a few days of neonatal care to deal with jaundice and to ensure that Kinsley could regulate her body temperature. After just a few days of treatment Kinsley’s Apgar score increased by two points growing from a six to an eight, And my partner and I were able to bring her home. Because, of Kinsleys premature birth my partner and I were a bit worried about her and were consistently caring for her. This consistent caring led to a strong bond of attachment being built between Kinsley and I. I acted as Kinsley primary feeder, and because of this the attachment theory argues Kinslaey is greater attached …show more content…

She’s very open and outgoing something that I thought might cause her to be very unattached and independent, but when Kinsley was two she started going to a playgroup, because my partner and I believed this would work to enrich her already blossoming social skills. It was there at the play group that I noticed the secure attachment Kinsley and I formed. As Kinsley would go out to explore the toys and other children she would constantly look back at me, and I would give her a reassuring nod and she would continue. I counted this moment as a positive step within Kinsley’s development, and was reassured within my parenting decisions. Another important aspect within Kinsley’s life, that I believe played a huge role in her development, was her temperament. As mentioned in class the temperament of a child plays a huge role in their develope and many psychologist even argue it is a precursor to their personality. As a child although Kinsley was premature and had a hard time developing an appetite her temperament was always one of a lower upkeep. She was not much of a cryer and enjoyed interacting with guest that would come over to visit. This easy go likey temperament is what I believe acted as the foundation for Kinsleys amazing social

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