
Personal Essay: The Life Of A Soccer Player

Decent Essays

The Life of a Soccer Player To most people in this world soccer is just a hobby, but to me it means more, it’s a lifestyle. Soccer player’s are usually athletic and hardworking people who all have a goal to get better and become the best. I see soccer as a duty,stress reliever, and a guide to improve my own character. Soccer is a lifestyle, or maybe a hobby depending on how you take on the role as one yourself. To be a soccer player in my own opinion is to be part of a team, take on responsibility, encourage others, and work to achieve your goals, but to others it’s just a sport. To become part of a soccer team you have to learn how to work as one, encourage your teammates, and perform together to win. I believe that if your team doesn’t get along socially they will never work together on the field. To be part of a team is a bigger role than you would expect you have to work with your teammates to be a good team, you can’t be selfish because in reality there is no I in team. As part of the team you need to be humble, have good sportsmanship, and never be unchristian like when you may not get things your way for example, blaming your teammate won’t help anything. The team win’s together and losses together with dignity they accept the results and never blame one person because everyone …show more content…

One day I had a game and we were missing four of our top player’s, I decided I needed to take charge and I started to be a voice on the field,worked hard in every play, helped others to score, and encouraged everyone to work hard. I showed my dedication for soccer through my hard work and play during this game. This game has a lot more to it than people would have ever seen from just watching. To be a soccer player and part of a team is a huge role for a person, full of all responsibilities and roles I have shown.After hearing about all the roles, do you think you could take on the roles of a soccer

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