
Personal Experience: A Poem Analysis

Decent Essays

This past summer I served as a co-counselor at my church's annual camp for the first time. I worked with my old small group leader and we had a group of seventh grade girls who were all complete strangers to the both of us. We had five days to get to know them and figure them out. Every day they were given the opportunity to speak to us about anything that was on their heart, and the first day we had one girl come to us and talk to us about her dad who had passed two weeks before camp started. This was a huge hit to me like it would be to anybody, but it made me realize that my family is not the only one suffering. My stepmom was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer last year, and the time before camp was absolutely brutal for my family. Hearing that girl's story helped me step out of my shell of my own world and look around. I began to take more …show more content…

When I got home I got more into the word and more involved with my church because I felt myself falling apart after that camp experience. During the three days of camp that we were with the girls, I did a lot of thinking about myself and how I am with other people, and then on the last night I experienced my first panic attack. I had spent so much time thinking about my life and how poorly I thought I acted towards others when they could be going through something so much worse than I was. Over the next several months I continued to have anxiety attacks multiple times a week and sometimes a day. I kept trying to stay involved with my church and keep working in my Bible by doing my quiet times, but I used every excuse in the book to get out of it and I felt ashamed.I kept going to church, but it was like I was not even there because I would not focus on anything nor did I have any desire to pay attention. I knew people out there had it much worse than I did and they did not speak of it or show any sign of

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