
Personal Experience In Thailand

Decent Essays


Thailand may be overcrowded with tourists, but it has thousands of fascinating locations that make it the perfect holiday destination. When you say Thailand, you automatically think about beachside bungalows, luxury spa retreats, white sand beaches, and crystal clear water. However, this country means more than that. Thailand is about wild nature, diversity, tuk tuks, monks, temples, communism, astonishing views, markets, craziness, diving, street vendors, giant Buddhas and the list can easily go on.

“You don’t have to depend entirely on people to find happiness and make memories. Happiness depends on you.”

The second part of my adventure in Asia was about to begin. I woke up alone on my birthday in a hotel room in Bangkok. I was packing and crying. My brother had left for the airport early in the morning and my close friend had decided to continue her experience in Bali. Sincerely, I had a moment of uncertainty in which I asked myself why I didn’t choose to stay in Bali, but I quickly realized that I could rely on me. You don’t have to depend entirely on people to find happiness and make memories. You are your own anchor and you are the only person who can control your happiness. Happiness depends on you.

“Yes. Small things matter and can make your day brighter.”

I was finally on my way to the campus situated in the vicinity of Rangsit University, about/approx. 45 minutes away from Bangkok in the best-case scenario. Luckily for me, I had the address

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