
Personal Experience : My Experience

Decent Essays

My Experience
Transitioning from a teacher in training to a student was possibly one of the hardest things I have done. I really struggled with keeping my mouth closed when a child was not behaving. In my math class, I noticed that though there wasn’t a lot of physical activity most of the other students were eager to participate. My math teacher kept us engaged by having us walk through the homework and constantly walking around. Because she had the students walk through each of the problems, it was easy to follow as a student. When anyone had a question she would have us walk her through what we did and find the discrepancy. My teachers flow was smooth and she made sure we understood her expectations for the Unit One math exam. It has been a while since I took a math test, and so when she handed out the Unit One test I felt a clench at the pit of my stomach. As I moved through my exam, I felt fatigue and starvation overcome me. It was early in the morning, but by the end of the test I was exhausted and hungry. I can only imagine what some of my other students were feeling, especially if they had missed breakfast or did not get enough sleep. And even after, I felt the fatigue because we were only able to head to the bathroom before heading back to the class for our guidance counselors lesson on careers.
As I observed and experienced recess, I saw that most of our students take this time to talk to their friends instead of playing or running. They enjoy walking around and

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