
Personal Finance Midterm Analysis

Decent Essays

Personal Finance Midterm
Having financial goals is very important. I personally have three goals that are important to me. Following a budget is something I want to follow for the rest of my life. I think it is important to have a budget so you can manage and control the money you spend. Right now, I don’t have very much to budget, but soon I will be taking loans out for school and hopefully getting a stable job. To complete this goal, I plan on making a budget each month and stick with it. Another financial goal of mine is to start an emergency fund. I chose this goal because I think it is important to be ready for anything. In my case I would want around two thousand dollars in mine. For this to happen I must budget out money each month and …show more content…

I keep track of everything I buy and make sure it is necessary. Something my friend does is spend less than she earns. I think this strategy is smart because if you always spend less than you earn you will always have some money left over, hopefully if I start now by doing this I will have good spending habits down the road.
My ideal job is to become a registered nurse. I like the idea of becoming a nurse because it means I get to do one of my favorite things which is help people. The world will always need nurses and doctors so with a nursing degree I will always have a place to work. A registered nurse makes around 60,000 a year. To achieve this I, must continue going to school and start focusing on classes that will help me in this career field. Something else that I want to do is an internship program at a hospital or something so I can get a feel on what it’s like to be an actual nurse.
My credit score is basically none existent right now because I don’t have any credit cards or loans out right now. But in the future, I plan on having good credit for the rest of my life. I’m going to have good credit because I know what needs to be done. I am going to pay my bills and credit cards on time. Another thing I am going to do once I get a credit card is keep the balance on it

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