
Personal Leadership Research Paper

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Personal leadership can be simply defined as the leadership of self. In other words, is the ability to direct ones leadership towards their life and lead by first leading themselves. Although this definition covers the general essence of what personal leadership is in general, my definition is a little more specific in what it entails. I define personal leadership as the ability to gain stable independence while leading others by example. Therefore, my definition of personal leadership exemplifies the ideas of independence, stability, and serving as an example. Independence is a state of being in control of ones life without having to consult ideas and actions with others. With independence comes establishing and following rules made by oneself …show more content…

In order to have strong personal leadership skills one must have a strong sense of stability within them and this comes from commitment. One must commit to themselves by following rules that they made for themselves and sticking to the standards that come with the rules. For instance, if one promises to not hang out with friends until all of their school work is done, they have set a standard for themselves that say school comes first, which will ultimately help them excel academically. Commitment to self establishes stability in personal leadership like commitment to a partner establishes stability within a relationship. It is easier to lead oneself when one can commit to rules that can help them reach their goals. In addition, serving as an example is significant in developing strong personal leadership. Serving as an example for those the follow is established when one has strong personal leadership skills because they basically begin to lead by starting with themselves. For instance, a wise man once made a whole song about starting with the man in the mirror in order to make a change within the world. Therefore, one must lead them onto the right path before they can attempt to lead

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