
Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays
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Brenda Adan
Philip Belmont
College Composition 2
13 February 2017
If I Could Go Back in Time… Sometimes when I am alone I wonder, “What if I was able to go back in time?” I think of the countless memories and the time periods that I would visit. From riding horses with Native Americans to my very first middle school band concert, it would all be an amazing experience. I could change the outcomes of things, make things better, or just go through the memories all over again. If I could go back in time, I would want to visit the Native Americans. I would run in the meadows with the little children and play with their homemade toys and crafts. After that I would go hunt wild buffalo in the tall grass with the tribe and witness …show more content…

I would see myself being so nervous yet excited for the concert to start. I would say hi to the little ugly version of me, who is holding the clarinet. As the curtains would start to separate and the lights go out, I would see Katie Germaine waving hi to her mom, even though we were directed not to do that. Mr. Ludwig’s face was so red and I could tell he was upset by the look her gave her but she was happy as can be. Playing the song “The Eagle Song”, which was created by Mr. Ludwig, would give me chill once again since it was my favorite song that year. After seeing all of the things that went on that night I would go to the day of my grandmother pass …show more content…

I would see the makeup artist do my makeup and hair, which was very pretty. As I see myself put on my dress I would be so nervous for my date to come and see me in it. After waiting thirty minutes for him, even though it should have been the other way, we would go out to eat. We would be meeting all of our friends at the table and see that they all looked good in their tuxes and dresses. After eating we would go to the Community Building and wait for the press party to start. I would take even more pictures this time and have some more fun. At the dance I would having such a relaxing conversation with this guy and eventually have the best prom night ever. After the dance we would go to the after prom and play games and win

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