Brenda Adan
Philip Belmont
College Composition 2
13 February 2017
If I Could Go Back in Time… Sometimes when I am alone I wonder, “What if I was able to go back in time?” I think of the countless memories and the time periods that I would visit. From riding horses with Native Americans to my very first middle school band concert, it would all be an amazing experience. I could change the outcomes of things, make things better, or just go through the memories all over again. If I could go back in time, I would want to visit the Native Americans. I would run in the meadows with the little children and play with their homemade toys and crafts. After that I would go hunt wild buffalo in the tall grass with the tribe and witness
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I would see myself being so nervous yet excited for the concert to start. I would say hi to the little ugly version of me, who is holding the clarinet. As the curtains would start to separate and the lights go out, I would see Katie Germaine waving hi to her mom, even though we were directed not to do that. Mr. Ludwig’s face was so red and I could tell he was upset by the look her gave her but she was happy as can be. Playing the song “The Eagle Song”, which was created by Mr. Ludwig, would give me chill once again since it was my favorite song that year. After seeing all of the things that went on that night I would go to the day of my grandmother pass …show more content…
I would see the makeup artist do my makeup and hair, which was very pretty. As I see myself put on my dress I would be so nervous for my date to come and see me in it. After waiting thirty minutes for him, even though it should have been the other way, we would go out to eat. We would be meeting all of our friends at the table and see that they all looked good in their tuxes and dresses. After eating we would go to the Community Building and wait for the press party to start. I would take even more pictures this time and have some more fun. At the dance I would having such a relaxing conversation with this guy and eventually have the best prom night ever. After the dance we would go to the after prom and play games and win
But my favorite song of the night is the song I dance with my grandmother, my best friend. It would be a song to commemorate the relationships between two best friends. This memory will forever hold a special place in my heart. After many hours of dancing, the food finally arrives. We would be eating frog legs, chicken salad, and chocolate chip cookies. It is a weird combination, but they are my favorite foods. Just when I think the day could not get much better, coming out of the dugout is the entire team of the Chicago Cubs! It is a dream come true. They spend the rest of the party treating me like a princess. The changing of the shoe is next. I change from my high heel shoes to my cleats. The natural born athlete growing up in her element. A perfect day becomes even better! To end this perfect day, I get to get a personal tour of Wrigley Field and the locker room by my favorite Cubs players! As I lay my head on my pillow, I can’t help but live this perfect day over and over
It was one of those oddities; though identical twins, they had celebrated different birthdays: first, Molly, born on April 1, 1972, at 11:47 PM, and second came Megan on April 2 at 12:17 AM. Their parents, Meryl and Bill, thought it best that the twins celebrate on their own days and had always held separate parties for them. Bill adored “his girls,” and Megan was probably his favorite. A parent shouldn’t have a favorite child, yet, they all, more than likely do. It’s either the one that they’ve carried some sort of guilt about, for one reason or another, or the one that highly reminds them of themselves. In Bill’s case, it was definitely Megan, he enjoyed her spunk (a quality he thought missing from the other two children). It was his attraction to her high-spiritedness that had Meryl, on countless occasions telling him; “You are letting her get away with
Like the beginning of every good soap opera, everything was normal in the beginning. I lived with my mom and it had just been us for my entire life. My mom had began to see a man. As it turns out, this man would take our happy and simple world and flip it upside down.
I slowly sit up and rest my back against the headboard of my old bed. Closing my eyes and taking everything in that has happen since I’ve woken up. Being in my old room, brings back a lot of memories of when I used to live here as a child. Moments with James, moments with my mum. I let a tear escape my eye, quickly wiping it away. I can’t let it get to me anymore. It was five years ago. A few more tears escape and I go to whip it away again when light bounces off the scars on my arm.
I grew up as a creative, very imaginative person. My imagination was always going, 24/7, going like Lebron in the paint, it couldn’t be stopped. I would stay up some nights imagining myself as a cop, a football player, basketball player, astronaut, truck driver, you name it. I imagined myself being anything I wanted to be. But how I got to be so imaginative is because of something I didn’t think until I began to write this essay. I was raised in a small town call Crossett, Arkansas, above the border of Louisiana. This town is a town in which I call a “chill town.” Everybody knows each other, and when pass by in your cars you can wave and give a bright smile and they’ll do the same back. Usually on a weekend you can find mostly everyday in their
S: Today the client was on lunch duty which means she was helping the kitchen staff in serving food to other students. After this, the client was able to help and engage in developing a treatment plan. It was first discussed what P.C would like to work on over all. She stated that her goal should be improving her friendship with her classmates and improving her feelings. Her goal was set to improve social and emotional functioning. It was decided that the objectives would include improving her self-esteem and engaging with her peers more. It was then discussed the action steps that will be taken place for each of these objectives. It was agree upon that P.C would write in a journal about her feelings and focus on positive feelings. She explained
It felt like Christmas morning. In June. Ripping open the package, I couldn’t remember ever being more excited. I finally had it. The Apex 37. The newest, nicest, cleanest looking longboard to be released, and I was lucky enough to have it. I tore open that box as fast as I could, ripped the plastic off, and there it was. The most beautiful slab of wood I had ever seen. A clean strip of carbon fibre traced the center length of the board from tail to tail with the detailed “Original” logo placed perfectly in the middle. The crisp metallic trucks glistened on either side, and connected to them, the bright purple wheels, freshly ground for the perfect, buttery finish. My heart filled, and my passion fueled. I will never forget the feeling of standing
Highschool was always a rough time for me, I had no idea where I was going and what I was going to do with my life. One of my teachers had a talk with me and suggested I join the military. I followed his advice and chose the branch that best fit my goals; The U.S Air Force. To me joining seemed like the easiest and best way to go. I always dreamt of flying planes so working on them seemed like the second-best option for me.
“You can have it if you want,” my father said, pointing to the Playboy magazine on his desk. His index finger interrupted my line of vision, and my eyes shot up to make contact with his.
It was the final night of the camping trip. My family had come to the woods, and having spent two days toughing it out in a tent, we decided to treat ourselves and stay in a cabin. The day was well spent and included fishing, roasting marshmallows, and playing games with my mom, dad, and little sister, Payton. Understandably, all four of us were exhausted. Things started to go wrong when I entered the cabin bedroom.
“Thanks for the breakfast, dad! See you tonight!” he called as he ran out the door, locking it behind him.
The evening before school, Edwin was gathering his supplies and selecting what he wants to wear. His father asks him why he had been acting so strange. Edwin glanced at his father with a grimace. His father tried to shake it off and ignore the rude remark. A few seconds passed and his father left the room.
Its February 13th, it is a cold snowy night, I am just getting out of my basketball game. I have tons of missed calls from my mother and sister. I get in the car I call back no one answers, so I start to drive home. I received a call back, it is my sister. I answer “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” I can tell she has been crying. She answers back with her sad voice “I will tell you when I get home. I am at the hospital right now.” “I am right by the hospital I will come there. Just tell me what happened.” I am thinking in my head of all the possible things that could have happened. She says “Jeremy died.” “Are you serious? How?” “I will tell you when I get home.”
It was late at night around 10:00pm, I had just got out of school. It’s dark and windy, and there is no soul in sight. I was scared out of my mind I usually get out of school at 7:00pm but tonight I stayed back for extra credit, and all of a sudden when I looked at my watch I noticed it was 10:00pm. I frantically walked to the bus stop which was a few blocks from my school in hopes that I could catch a bus ride home, but there was no bus. Then I decided I should walk to my boyfriend’s house and see if he could walk me to my house witch was a scarier neighborhood then his. But when I got there he wasn’t at home he was still downtown at his dad’s store. Now I’m all alone, and something in my gut told me that tonight wasn’t going to end well for me.
It’s totaled now, has been for the last month or two. But this is before that when it took me all the way to a new place two hours away. Away from my friends away, from my family, it drove me away from everything. The 2009 tan Chevy trailblazer with cloth interior that took us places, all kinds of places, but my favorite by far was Cañon City. Tears started to form in my ocean blue eyes.