
Personal Narrative: A Career As A Social Worker

Decent Essays

When we’re asked as children what we wanted to do with our life, it is usually not what we end up doing at all. My life experiences and challenges have pushed me to do and think about a career that I would have never thought nor known about. Social Work has had an enormous impact on my life and has pushed me to pursue a career in it. Although it is not a well-known or popular major, it is where I feel as if I will succeed the most not only in my career, but also in my life and goals. Growing up, I had dreams of being an artist, but as I experienced life, I realized I wanted to do something with my life that positively impacted others. My adolescence could be considered a rollercoaster; with lows as far down as losing my parents, and highs as far up as succeeding in high school and getting accepted to my top choice …show more content…

I never knew what a social worker was, but after talking and meeting with one a few times, I realized that they were the real definition of a hero because of the way that they help others. Another important person in my life that taught me about helping others through tough times was my tenth grade cheerleading coach. She worked at the local school district as an elementary school psychologist, and her love for helping others, including myself, impacted me extremely and helped me through my grieving process. I am planning on getting a degree in Social Work and specializing in either School Social Work, or the homeless children/adolescent population. With my experience in being homeless before and needing help from others and social workers, and my future plans to study Social Work, it makes my goals more achievable than if I was never affected. I thought my life was over due to the fact that I lost everything; but through experiences, hardships, and challenges, I found a new love and passion for helping others the way that my mentors and Social Worker helped

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