
Personal Narrative: A Career As A Student

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I work for Westwood College, in-fact I started working for Westwood when I was 22 years old… almost 12 years ago. In my time at Westwood I have worked my way up the ladder and have had several different roles. I started as an Admissions Support Assistant at the Denver South Campus, then moved to Admissions Support for the Online Campus, then became the National Support Coordinator, which led to the Training and Operations Coordinator position that I had for five years. In October 2014 that position was eliminated and I was moved to the IT team as a Help Desk Analyst. And finally in December 2014 I was promoted to the position that I hold now as the Assistant Director, Student Support at the Denver North Campus. My time at Westwood has taught me a lot about myself both …show more content…

I’ve had some rough situations where I’ve had to turn people in for violating policy that taught me that doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but it’s always the right thing to do. I’ve been in hiring and firing situations where I had to watch and document every little thing and that’s taught me that managing people is hard and it takes someone special to be a great manager. When my Training and Operations Coordinator position was eliminated I was devastated. I loved my job… what I was doing, what I was contributing and the value that I felt. And I loved my team… we worked very well together, like a well-oiled machine. When one person was gone we felt it, but knew exactly where we needed to pick up to get the job done and we got along on a personal level and invested in each other’s lives. So when I went from that to the IT team where I felt like no one wanted me, including my manager, and I felt like I was adding no value at all, I was miserable. It really made me evaluate my life and what I

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