
Personal Narrative: A Change In My Work Environment

Decent Essays

In life if you rush anything, it seems like you always get a rushed product or at least not the best product that you had hoped for. Change management shouldn’t be a rushed process; however when management feels the need to push this envelope the results may not be what they wanted. I will describe how a change had taken place in my work environment while working in Germany. I will give a brief description of the environment of my work area Geilenkirchen NATO AB Germany. Then move into the reasons that led to the need for change, and what I felt went wrong. Then last take a look at the attempts to fix some of the issues caused from the changes ending with how I would have done things different.
In order to get a better understanding to the why we needed to make a change, or to actually understand the how we made these changes, I need to describe the structure of Geilenkirchen AB. As with most if not all military we have the A. typical hierarchy design with a General at the top running the show. It is then broken out into divisions (Wings), Ops wing which manages the main mission, which is flying planes. Then we have the Logistic Wing that handles what we call the beds, beans, and bullets. They take care of the planes, the base infrastructure, and any supply logistics. And then …show more content…

What this did was eliminated some redundant administration positions, consolidated some of the squadron, into just three wings. Moved some office closer to the people they work with, and added a A-structure staff that falls in line with what the reset of the military community is doing. So with this change taking place, we still had to do the same mission that we did the day before, but now with less people. But this is a challenge held by everyone, so we didn’t have it any harder. The hard part was how they planned to implement these

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