
Personal Narrative: A Day In A Car

Decent Essays

One nice evening on a lovely Tuesday in June. My mother an brother an I were all on are way home from a family dinner at my grandparents house, when all of a sudden I hear gunshots. I look in the side mirror to see three bulletproof cars. One is a nice black Chevrolet corvette Z06. The other one is a black 2013 Dodge hellcat,an the last car is a 69 lime green roadrunner. I knew exactly who they wore. They were sent to kill me by there leader Ben White. You see I’m in a gang I’m the leader to be exact. We all have a tattoo of our logo. We all have them on either our backs or hip. Mines on my hip. Even though I am only 14. I an the leader an the most fears an that's why Ben is trying to take me out so he can take over my gang, “Mom move …show more content…

I need my 1970 Dodge Charger. An also can you bring Noah I need you to drive my car an Noah to drive another car that won’t stand out so my mother an brother can get home an not get noticed. Noah you an I are all gonna take my car an hopefully kill theses men. Meet me at 52 Lake Lidia Ln, Rochelle, IL 61068.” I quickly say.

“OK Noah and I are on the way be there in 15. An babe please be careful.” He says and hangs up.

“Mom you and Anthony (her brother) need to get out of this car right away as soon as we get there an get into one of our others cars and drive home as soon as possible. Pack a bag for two nights grab ken (my stepdad) an go to this address 7 Fox Hunt Rd. Barrington,IL 60010. It’s one of our safe houses. You will be safe there until we come get you. I know it’s a lot to take in but trust me I'll be careful you just have to trust me.” I try and calmly tell my mother.

“Now Anthony I know you’re probably thinking I’m lying boy I wish I was but I need you to trust me. I need to you call dad an Marie (my stepmom) and tell them to meet you guys at the address I just told mom. Don’t answer any of their questions just tell them to get there an back a night bag for 2 nights. I will answer all your guys questions when I get

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