
Personal Narrative: A Life Changing Experience At A Basketball Team

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As the ball flew through the air, sneakers screeched against the floor and the sound of the ball dribbling never seemed to halt until the referees final whistle blew, It sounded more than just the end of the game as I feel down on the court with my hands covering my head in devastation. Where then minutes felt like hours, tears covered my face and the only noise I could hear was by the other teams rout and celebration. The gut wrenching feeling hit me like a basketball being pegged at the backboard. All the blood, sweat, sacrifice and training leading up to this championship game had come to an end as quickly as it started. I could feel my comrades hands patting my back and I knew I had to somehow find my feet to show my young bloods true sportsman ship but deep down losing was killing me.

Without even taking a glance around the court, my coach stood out like a …show more content…

Long Wood Lancers 6 foot 8 captain, I didn’t drop eye contact as we passed, we exchanged a filthy look and I had to step around him as I carried towards the locker room. Opening the gyms locker rooms sliding doors, I stood for a second looking around and remembering the memories, the team, coaching staff, parents and supporters all shared in this room throughout the season, I sheered a tear. The locker room was empty and the smell of BO blew through my noise. I took my usually locker seat, the one I have had for 6 years straight now actually, next to the window ledge, right of the ball stands and furthest away from the toilets. Before I could blink an eye lid, the sliding doors began to open all I could see was this massive shadow, I thought for sure it was Lancers captain, my heart started to beat faster than usually and I knew I had no choice against him in any regard. As more of his face showed, my eyes looked up at him and lucky it wasn’t who I thought it was. It was an unfamiliar person, never seen him in my

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