
Personal Narrative : A Short Story

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Driving home thinking about her loss, looking up, Marlene saw the light changing and applied her breaks as the truck behind her failed to stop. Hitting her Mercedes, it smashed the trunk and knocked the car several feet. Getting out of the truck, the driver checked Marlene for injuries, and she yelled, “You’re nothing but an idiot and they shouldn’t allow you to drive.” “Gee, I’m so sorry, that was my fault. I took my eyes off the street for a second and didn’t see the light change.” “I called, the police are on their way,” a man standing nearby said. “Several motorists called the police.”
While waiting for the police to arrive, Marlene removed her purse from the passenger’s seat and screamed she hoped he got a citation.
A woman standing in the grass, said, “There’s a patrol car now.”The officers asked about the injuries and wanted to know the details. The truck driver explained what happened, the officer went to his car, returned with a pad, he issued a citation to the truck driver.
Another officer checked the truck and determined they could drive it. He went over to Marlene’s Mercedes, looking at the smashed in the trunk; prying it open, he noticed something sticking out from behind the side panel caught his eye. “What is that?” He asked, and pulled out several towels soaked in blood.
Motioning for his partner to look, he asked, “Would you drive Mrs. Barnes home? The truck driver is free to leave.”
“Sure,” he said, and told Marlene they were towing her car and the

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