
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

Some time during my elementary education my mom told me that when accompanied by pain, experiences or ideas are committed stronger to memory, which is why in college she would memorize presentations whilst dunking her feet in tubs of ice water. While the pain she was speaking of was physical, through experience I’ve come to realize it’s just as true for the mental counterpart of emotional trauma. As such, the events of my childhood that stand out to me the most are the ones that brought me pain, and ultimately, they were the same ones that propelled me to grow the most. The summer prior to my eighth grade, my mom sat my brothers and me down to told me my father had served her divorce papers. About two months later my dad gathered my brothers and myself and delivered a slightly different speech starting with “I didn’t realize your mom had already talked to you,”– the effect was just the same. I watched my eldest brother Carl take the news unusually lightly, even continuing to carry light conversation with my dad, and in the background I watched my brother Christian weep, an equally uncharacteristic sight, and one I was …show more content…

Desperate to avoid the stresses of these environments, I sought to occupy myself otherwise, and with this endeavor I became involved in numerous extra-curriculars. Balancing these and a rigorous course-load without parental support expanded my skills of time-management and organization dramatically. In going between houses and my after-school activities, my parents could hardly get me anywhere on time, so as soon as I turned 16 I asked to have my own car. With this I quickly picked up all the basic life-skills associated with driving, alongside managing my own schedule and accounting for feeding myself as I was hardly

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