“It was the best of times, and the worst of times…” This quote really couldn’t describe my summer better. It started off pretty darn annoying, and I couldn’t wait for it to be over and to start school. Then, after a few plot twists, before I knew it the summer had one week left and I didn’t want anything more than for it to be longer. Right before the end of the school year, I was caught by my parent doing something I really shouldn’t have. So, I ended up getting my iPod touch taken away (I don’t have a phone). I didn’t even have a clue when I was getting it back, if I was. Along with getting that taken away, I couldn’t use the computer, hang out with friends, watch TV, be home alone, or call my best friend, or anyone for that matter, even on the house phone. I was pretty much under total and complete lockdown. …show more content…
My mom had me doing a lot of yard work, and I had to tag along with her everywhere so I wasn’t home alone. It was awful. After about a month of total restrictions (and a very long month that was), I could then be home alone and sleep in. Oh, and did I mention I could then call my best friend on the phone. We talked almost every single day. It made everything so much better. Getting to talk to my best friend whenever possible is when the transition began from the worst of times to the best of
All sports require time and dedication to a certain extent. Dance has been my passion and weekend activity since I was three and became a very serious thing from seven to around twelve. I danced at a studio until I entered middle school at K.O. Knudson and dance was my major. I left K.O. and moved to Summerlin where I now attend Palo Verde. I received dance as my elective, being weary about the class considering I was also recovering from a back injury even during my time at K.O. and on top of that knowing I was loosing all of my skill from being absent forever and a day.
Nowadays, technology is an important tool used in so many different aspects of our life to help things like finance, navigation, and even food. With all of the advancements and ideas that the tech industry is making, technology is now becoming more and more involved in the health and wellness aspects of our lives. Now Physical therapists are starting to go along with this trend and have been using more of the tools and applications that are being created to help with the rehabilitation of their patients. Some of the new technology that has been created are specific video games that have new workout routines, stretches, timers and diet suggestions for the Wii or X-Box Kinect. There are also new smartphone and smart watch apps with similar features
From a young age of eight, I fell in love with the game of soccer and I’ve been passionate about the game ever since. I deemed that the game was confined within the out of bounce lines. Within those lines I learned plenty such as the importance of teamwork, how rewarding hard work can be, and how vital training is for success. Elements all important to the player I’ve become.
When I was in fifth grade, I was caught between two worlds, playing the a woodwind or strings instrument. After much thought on which one, I decided that the violin was the best instrument for me, because it had a beautiful, unique sound, plus the possibilities are incredible. I could receive a compliment from a teacher, or even get accepted to the symphony. In elementary, I was known as the best player for my patience and understanding of every piece we played. “Your daughter is my best student in all 4 schools that I teach,” exclaimed my orchestra teacher, Ms. Nichols, to my mother. Ever since then, I have been practicing my violin every minute of every day. At the end of my sixth grade year, I received a letter stating that I have been invited
Me just like any other human being make mistakes we’re not perfect, but we’re all special in our own ways. Something I feel makes me special is that at a very young age i started playing sports. I now consider myself an athlete. That makes me feel special because not everyone is capable of having to do school work and play sports during school. Sports have also showed me discipline. Another thing that it showed me was how to take leadership and help others.
As I read this passage, the information provided was clearly stated. However, as I continued to read, it became confusing. I did not go back and reread the last several sentences. I was able to use my sustained attention to recall the information that was just read, which is an executive functioning process. But, I did note that the ants left a chemical trail, which they would use to find their way back home. The following sentence stated they did not have noses to use for smelling. Immediately, I had red flags go up that something was incorrect. These ants needed to have a way to follow the trail they left behind. In this case, I was using my working memory. I was recalling what I had read and applying what I know to the information
Throughout one’s lifetime, it is almost guaranteed that he or she has heard the saying “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” This saying is pretty self-explanatory, and it is extremely helpful in multiple scenarios, especially in times of struggle. From a young age, I have always been a cheerleader. Recently, circumstances have changed causing me to question my abilities. I have numerous personal experiences throughout my life that illustrate this saying; however, this one is the most recent.
When I was in ninth grade I took a trip to the doctor with my mom. About to tryout for the high school volleyball team, I needed my yearly sport physical. As a kid who always would ride my bike and hang out outside, I thought I was a healthy kid. Growing up I knew I was overweight but I never thought it was bad as the doctor made it out to be. As doctors do, she showed me where I lined up to the average of my age and height group. I already knew what she was gonna say, I already knew I was “fat”; and of course the doctor told me my weight was too high for my height and I was putting myself at risks. Like most kids I didn’t want to pay attention to what she was saying, I was a teenager who just wanted to get out of there with the paper that
In the picture above is a super sick selfie of my dog Sadie-Bee and I, she came into my life a couple of months ago and since then we have formed a bond that can never be broken. You see, I never really had a connection with animals until I met Bee, she's a special dog. In retrospect I didn't like animals at all really. We share many things in common I think that's why we get along so well, for example, we enjoy going to the beach and playing in the waves together, going to the park for a run, and most of all taking naps together. Juxtapose Sadie and I, were a perfect match. Sadie’s absolute favorite thing to do is going for car rides, in fact, she loves them so much, she will sit inside of my car while i’m cleaning it and she doesn’t get out
We got in the car excited of what would come next. I knew this year would be better than last year. Me and my brothers set our goal for how many tickets we would earn. When the desired moment finally arrived we got out of the car, and walked through the parking lot. The cold breeze up against our shoulders like diving into a pool with a frigid temperature, I mean, after all, it was Christmas day. When we opened the double doors to the building we saw it, the big shiny metal door, and we all got overjoyed.
Everybody has their moment that truly defines them for the rest of their life, whether it be when they first learned how to ride a bike or a friend that they made. Some events are more harsh and abrasive than other events but everybody has one. My event was a fateful night in the summer of 2013. I was 13 years old.
I was born and raised in Vietnam at the years 1987, and my generation is a generation Y which is between 1981 and 2000. The generation Y is the most challenger generation because it is the generation right after the war end. Since I was born, I have been taught to be responsible with the family, archive the highest education, and completion with the other. Those make me feel that I can control the world and me feel that I am the best because my family lay a lot of hope and expectation on me.
As you know, life is full of bumpy rides. This essay is about one of mine. This story is full of heat, fear, and pretty tight turns on the rails of life. Let me tell you of the time that our neighbor's house caught on fire.
The biggest risk is not taking any risk in a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. There is a saying “there is no risk then there is no reward”. You have to understand that living a successful life will depend on the risks you choose to take.
It all started when I hurt my wrist on my brothers little bike going of a homemade bike jump. I went inside to tell my parents that my wrist really hurt. All they said was you probably twisted it. After awhile it started to feel better so I went over to my friends house to have a sleepover. Once I got there we decided to play with the bike pump my friend pulled it under from me and I landed on my wrist once again. I thought it was no big deal and went on with my day. After a little while we decided to ride our little brothers bikes up and down the hill. But that was not the best idea. The bike slipped from under me and I landed on my wrists again. I wa sin so much pain that I had no words and even know it felt like I was going to start balling