
Personal Narrative Analysis

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If there was any day that I got thrown a huge curveball, it was this day. What a sunny and warm August day it was. The birds were chirping and almost everyone was in the best of spirits. Unfortunately for me, I got woken up to one of the worst things I will ever hear in my lifetime. To give a little background, I have been in a long distance relationship for over two and a half years. My boyfriend and I are not that far in distance compared to others. But we are far enough that it makes for a little struggle to see each other. Every night I send the same goodnight text and I always make sure I see it says “delivered.” This particular night I did not see delivered underneath the text. I waited for about a minute but I figured it was nothing. I went to bed for the night and kept my ringer on incase I got a call from him at some point. The next morning my mother came in at about ten to inform me that something bad had happened overnight. My boyfriend who is a very healthy kid, has no heart problems or anything went into cardiac arrest. I could not believe what I had just heard. I could see the fear in my mother’s …show more content…

I really don’t know where I would be without her. She always knows how to try to make things better when anything goes wrong. Her and I just know what to say and what to do when anything bad happens. Coincidentally, my younger sisters that day had a show they were going to. They were attending a show that a youtuber named Tana Mongeau was putting on. I personally have heard of her and I have watched some of her videos. But this day gave my mother and I the opportunity to have one on one time together. To try to regroup ourselves and be ready for what could come next as far as my boyfriend was concerned. One thing I learnt from my boyfriend's mother was to try to stay positive in even the worst of situations. In honor of her in this tough time, I did just that. The whole car ride I played DJ and put on my favorite

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