Bringing a child in this world is a wonderful thing, so I heard but sometimes the process is not that easy. My mother, Aldoria Moseley, experienced some bad times. She told me it was all worth it to bring in this world, a healthy eight pounds, and twenty-two inches’ baby girl. My mother didn’t know she was pregnant until three months in her pregnancy. My parents had stop trying to have kids after having two boys, my brothers Nate and Cletwain. Things all change once my family found out they were having a girl.
My mother doctor was Dr. Reddick and he told her to get plenty rest, avoid stress, take vitamins, and eat properly. This had been her doctor for the last two pregnancies, too. My older brother, Nate was excited but my other brother, Cle, wasn’t. As she went back and forth to the doctors she found out she had
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My father at the time was working long twelve hours shift at Mississippi Chemical Plant located about thirty minutes away from our home. Along with the twelve hours shifts, they were swing shifts, so that means he worked some days and some nights. And at home, had two young boys. My brother at the time was five and three. My father has always been supportive during his children lives, doesn’t matter what mistakes we make. My father was there though my mom entire pregnancy when she was in the hospital those extra two weeks, he took off to be with her. And at the time he didn’t have any time to take because he had used all his leaves beforehand. My mother died in 2012 and my father has done more than any man I know would do for her his daughter. My dad has sat in the beauty shop to going get nails done and even worked those same crazy shifts. And I can say with honor that my dad is a great example to my brother and to me and my sisters. I thank God every day for blessing me with such great
When you hear the words I am pregnant from husbands standpoint. You are over-whelmed and you think man I did it now. These are natural reactions to the news. Babies are a wonder and a blessing. They bring happiness and frustration and this is how my story goes. One that would change me forever. I found out that my wife was pregnant about six months after my wife had a miscarriage. Then that day came my son was born was amazing and change me with happiness, less sleep, and nervousness.
I remember the day like it was yesterday. I just had got off the bus and I looked at my phone I saw I had 20 text and 8 missed call. I was wondering why I had so many text and calls before I could even look at them.
For the first parent interview, I interviewed my friend Randy. The interview took place in the living room of my house. His daughter was present but was playing with my sister at the time of the interview. Randy is the father of a toddler girl who is three years old but will turn four soon. Randy was born in 1992, he is not married but is cohabiting with the mother of the child and his parents’ home. In addition, Randy works for a medical supplies company and has only completed high school. Moreover, when he had his first child and only child, he was 21 years old.
It was five years into our marriage when my husband and I decided to adopt. We were told that I was infertile. We adopted a 3-year-old boy called Ryan. He was very kind and affectionate. He would often hug me and say 'I love you mommy'. We were happy; our little family was complete. I then became pregnant.
It didn’t take long for my mom to become pregnant, only two months, but at first, she didn’t know it was happening. “I was having horrible stomach cramps, really terrible stomach pains for gosh, two weeks, really I didn’t feel well. And finally I just couldn’t take it anymore, my stomach hurt so bad. A Friday night in the Emergency room sounded like such a bad idea, but sure enough, I went and I had an ectopic pregnancy.” When the doctors had first asked her if she was pregnant, she had been sure that she wasn’t, but after a series of tests they determined that a) she was pregnant, and b) she needed emergency
I have had five miscarriages from age 18 through 24. When I met my fiancé in 2006, we decided to start trying to get pregnant with the help of an OBGYN. The OBGYN doctor told me I would be lucky to ever get pregnant because of the medical issues I had. So, after six long, painful, years going back and forth to the doctor to run tests and four different surgeries on my female organs, I was finally pregnant.
Why don't I fit in with my family? That's the question I’ve been asking myself since I was eight years old. That question came up when my parents had my baby brother, his name is Elijah. Through my years I was picked on for having a white mom and dad. I never listened to them until I was 11 and a kid name Lilly asked me,
I am happy to hear that everything is going well for you up in Carthage. You’ll soon be going off to Alaska and having the time of your life but make sure you stay safe, okay? When your finished with your Alaska trip I want you to come visit me so we can discuss me adopting you as my grandson. I know you're hoping that I’m “not be too depressed by our parting” (56) but it is hard not to be when you made such a big impact on my life. You made me feel like I had family again and I really do hope that you consider letting me adopt you. It would mean so much to me if you let me.
Tick, tick, tick, was the sound I heard. As I reach over to the night stand that is on my side I swipe my smart phone to dismiss the 4:15am alarm that wakes me up every morning. I lay there allowing my body to wake up and I pray and thank God for another day, for life, health and strength. I thank you for allowing me to do today what some people are begging you to allow them to do today. I strength my body out while still lying in bed. Justin, shifts his body and his face and chest is now facing the door. I sit up on the edge of the bed then looks over my right shoulder, I hear him snoring and thought. He truly has no remorse for what he has done. He hasn’t lost any sleep and he still keeps his phone close to him. I wouldn’t be surprised
Two years have passed since I saw that note on his pillow. Two years of misery, two years of non-stop searching, two years of unanswered questions. Sometimes I think I see him; Sitting next to an older lady on the subway, Sitting in the corner in the coffee shop, or even leaning on one of the lampposts in 5th street. But it never fails, I move to see if it’s him, hoping it’s my husband.. but it’s not. It never is, no one is in that seat, no one is leaning on the lamppost. My husband is a ghost.
Shortly after my mother got married, she discovered that she would have to struggle a long time to have children. Additionally, two years after getting married, she almost died when she suffered an ectopic pregnancy, which is when a baby starts grow in the Fallopian tube, eventually causing the tube to burst and losing the baby. This left her completely heartbroken, she had always dreamed of having children and she was very scared that she would never had any. After this tragedy, she became extremely depressed, “I felt like I would never get to have the one thing I wanted most, which was to have children.” Fortunately, my mother finally got her wish thirteen years later, having her first son, followed by twins two years later. These two
Throughout life I have experienced numerous events that have shaped me into becoming the person I am to this day. Out of all these events, my adoption has been the most significant and life changing event of my life. Two weeks before my first birthday in, I was adopted from Nanchang, China. As I grew up, my parents never once tried to conceal my adoption. Without them, I believe I would have grown to be a totally different person. Although I was adopted and brought in by my adoptive parents, I see myself in the everyday. I see them as nothing less than my real parents and I aspire to be as generous and compassionate as they are. Without them, I would have never been able to experience half of the life changing events I have gone through. As
Parenting has proven to be an everyday struggle. However, in the beginning, it seemed as though it would be effortless. It wasn’t until later that all the challenges of “Parenthood,” occurred.
I remember the day when the whole community got together to congratulate us on the big news.
When I became a mother for the first time I was given a lot of different advice. Some good, some bad, some I didn’t even understand. Among the list I didn’t understand was one piece of advice that took me a while to understand. Enjoy your child while they’re little because once they hit the teenage years everything changes. It took me awhile to understand what exactly people meant until I looked back sixteen years to when I was thirteen. Everything about me changed from my attitude to my style. I remember struggling trying to find my identity and who I was and who I wanted to become. One of my biggest struggles was my appearance and trying to fit in with my generation. During this time my mother would constantly saying “So what are you going