
Personal Narrative-Catholic Youth Soccer

Decent Essays

“Party at my house after the game!” I told my teammates jokingly as we got in position for what would be our last game of the season. All my teammates laughed. I felt almost as if the championship was guaranteed and all we had to do was kick the ball around for 90 minutes before collecting the trophy. “Whoot” the whistle blew, signifying the beginning of the game.
Our team captains passed the ball off, and just like that the cheering began. Although it was only the CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) Youth Soccer Final, the turnout for the crowd was enormous. Everyone from our parents, relatives who lived nearby, teachers from our school, to random spectators looking for entertainment were watching the game. Fortunately for us, we were …show more content…

Despite having an average appearance, what made him stand out like a sore thumb during soccer games was the determination and focus in which he played soccer. Our second team captain was Christian Copeland. Christian was shorter, stockier and had tanner skin than Devin. Christian was our central attacking midfielder, he led the league with assists that season, and was known for his ingenious and composed plays. The day of the championships they seemed different. Devin who was very vocal before and during the game was quiet and pensive, and Christian who was usually very attentive and involved in the game, was lethargically moping up and down the pitch. For the first few minutes of the game we passed the ball around, patiently waiting for a defender on St. Johns to make a mistake and open up on defense, it was our game plan, we would tire the other team by making them chase the ball, and then strike when we saw the usual opening that an impatient defender would create. Devin passed the ball haphazardly to Harrison, one of my closest friends and a defender for our team, Harrison passed the ball to me and I passed the ball to Christian. Suddenly, for the first time in a long time, Christian made a mistake, he whiffed on the ball I had passed to him and clumsily stumbled to the ground. A member of the opposing team saw the opportunity and took a shot seventeen yards from the guard that just went …show more content…

The game was to be decided by penalty shootouts. Once again, the odds were in our favor, we had the best goalkeeper in the league. Despite having to shoot second we all remained confident that we would win. No goal was prevented for the first thirteen rounds of penalty kicks. In the fourteenth round of penalty kicks, the St. John’s striker quickly took the shot and missed. It was up to me to win the game. I set the ball on the ground, took three large steps back looked at the goal and took the shot with all the power I had in my right foot. I missed. My shot hit the top of the crossbar and bounced back to me. My heart sank, I had failed at my job to deliver for the team. We battled back and forth up to the twenty fourth round, when the player from St. Johns finally “made” his shot by protest because it had hit the crossbar gone in and gone out. All Devin needed to do was make his shot to win the game. Devin took the shot. He missed. It was over, our perfect season had come to an end. We had come so close but ultimately

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