
Soccer Narrative Speech

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Two years ago I played my first high school soccer season and it was one of the best experiences I had related with this sport, but what made it special was the last game we faced. Just like Forrest Gump quoted, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” This is how the surprise started; some friends and I were moved up from freshman team to the JV team and we were excited to compete for some game time. Even though we had very low chances, we gave our 100% in the few training sessions we had to earn a spot. Friday night arrived; I was frightened and shocked to face the best team in our district. The Richard Thompson Stadium started to get packed while we warmed up. Our team consisted mainly of sophomores and juniors, if there were more than 5 freshmen I would be exaggerating. I was putting on my cleats to start moving the ball and Vicente, one of the freshman said, “I wish Coach Nunez would let me play today.” “You might get some minutes depending on how the game goes,” I replied. Then, one of the juniors started laughing and told us, “look kidos, there are no chances of you kicking a ball tonight!” We did not pay much attention to him and kept on getting ready just in case. Coach Nunez was talking to the varsity Coach and suddenly he shouted, “Rojas! Come here.” I thought he was going to ask me a favor or tell me to go get something from the locker. “Rojas, I need you to be a wall in the midfield. No te quiero ver parado. Tell Kevin [one of

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