
Personal Narrative-Changing Experience In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Several years back I was in the process of starting my business. It was a challenging time for me and I sought out a few smart people who had been through it and could help me weather the storms and uncertainties. I remember being given Greg's name by a friend and told of his intelligence, grit and warm nature. I called him, introduced myself and offered to drive to Buffalo and buy him lunch if he would be willing to let me learn what I could from his experiences. Greg's response was "Marc, why don't I meet you half way. There's a diner just off the thruway, let's have breakfast and I'll help you as much as I can." The following week there we sat at 7 AM one morning in a small diner somewhere between Rochester and Buffalo. We talked about family and the joys and challenges of life and work. Although I had never met Greg before that morning, I felt as if I had known him for years. He was that kind of guy. He was everything my friend had said he was, and more. From that day forward when I needed advice I often called Greg and he always took my call. …show more content…

He referred to Montana as his slice of heaven and he was deeply involved in the development of what he referred to as a new model city for disabled veterans. It would be a place they could call home, begin a new life and find peace. I knew that if anyone could build a city it was Greg McQuay. We often had lengthy conversations about his progress and the challenges he faced with funding and government support, but he was never deterred and never defeated. When I would call him it was usually early morning in Montana and Greg was sitting in his favorite Montana diner eating breakfast and looking at the

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