As I sit on the toilet at 5:02 P.M. waiting for it to be 5:04 to find my answer. Negative or Positive? I walk into my room with the tests in my hand to show my fiancé, his big blue eyes lights up with excitement. I have taken four digital tests all saying negative. This particular test was different, there was a faint positive result! I didn’t think anything of it, because It wasn’t quite time for my period anyway. Soon enough, I would find out how accurate that last test was. A month went by it was June 16, 2015 and I was at work very light headed, having troubles breathing, my throat was hurting, and I had a bad body ache. I had to go to the hospital to find out what was going on. When I walked into work I automatically hated the smell, it smelled like dirty oil. My boss was nagging at me because I wasn’t taking orders and money fast enough in back drive. I was so dizzy it was hard to stand. I thought I was going to pass out. I asked my boss to let me sit on a bucket but he said that he wasn’t going to let me do that, because he already sent one person home that day for it. I texted my dad to tell him I needed to go to the hospital after work because I didn’t feel good at all. After I got off of work I went to the hospital and they tested me to see if I had strep throat, to see if I had a urinary tract infection, and last but not least a pregnancy test. They came back to the room and they told me that …show more content…
My first appointment I was 7 weeks and 6 days. They could not yet hear the heartbeat of the baby. I then had my second appointment August 12, 2015. That appointment, I was 13 weeks. I got to hear the heartbeat and I and my fiancés mother cried a little. When I heard the heart beat it made me feel calm. It made me so happy to hear my baby. My doctor was laughing because the baby was very active and didn’t want to stop moving. She said that the baby was very
After the exam was complete, the tech asked that the patient and her family remain in the room so the correct order could be obtained, and also so she could show the case to the radiologist. When the ordering physician was contacted again, the tech stated that the patient was indeed at least 8 weeks pregnant with a viable fetus, and that the IUD was still intact. The physician challenged the finding, stating that she had
This day was busy, but I was able to help out more by checking patients in and checking them out this time around. Felt a lot more comfortable with the system and interacting with the clients and their pets. This was my last day working in the front, I enjoyed working with Leonore and the rest of the staff in the front but, I am very excited to work in the back to get hands on experience working with the technician’s and the doctor’s.
January 24th, 2015, at 3:32 p.m., I was walking in my doctor’s office for my weekly prenatal appointment. Wobbling towards the front desk to check myself in, the nurses then asked “Any day now, huh?” I giggled and laughed, Yeah, I wish. He don’t want to come, and he’s definitely not trying to come either. Fifteen minutes passed, and my nurse Antonia called my name. Now I’m in my room as the nurse is checking my vitals, she said, “Hmmm your blood pressure is high.” I was perfectly fine until then, but I was more nervous than anything. My pregnancy emotions were taking ahold of me. Next, my doctor came in and asked me how I was doing. I told him I was in pain, but that was an everyday thing as I laughed. They decided to send me upstairs to labor
alarmed, when my physician announced that I was eight weeks pregnant. I didn’t know how to
Rushing to the hospital on a Friday night, I saw a blurred vision, felt dizziness as I saw a shot of IV in my forearm. I saw my mother tears rolling down her cheeks but I told her I will be okay. I was in the emergency room and the doctor asked me various of questions about my health, “Do you smoke? Do drugs? Any sexual activity?” I answered, “No.” The doctors informed to see my family physician for further test. I was not ready for the tests because they could read my future health and change my life.
When we got in the room I was told I will be given numbing medicine through an injection in my lower back. I felt a little pinch and then before I knew it my whole lower half was completely numb. I was still in and out of sleep, I slept through most of the C-section and exactly at 4:44am my son was officially born and he was 5 pounds and 4 oz and 18 inches long and he was healthy. They let me look at him and in that moment I fell in love I was now a mother. It was the greatest feeling in the world and I was happy to have experienced such a beautiful moment. I was brought back to my room and the doctor came in to congratulate me "Congrats on your baby boy he is beautiful and healthy and everything will be just fine with you and him" she said with a big smile on her face
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One day in an advanced world where everyone has powers and half of the united states is gone because of nuclear war and radiation four friends go on a journey to discover what types of powers there are. The four friend’s names were Leon, Goku, Zero, and Chi-chi but her real name was Chiane and they all had mixed powers Vince had poison and water, Goku had Saiyan powers the reason we called it that was because there was an old show called dragon ball z and the main character and his son could go super saiyan and it kind of looked like that when he used his powers, Chi-chi had the power of flames but everybody just calls her a pyrokinetic, and me I have transformation powers, elemental powers, and I’m also a telekinetic.
In working-out, there are no shortcuts so I stand there, sweat dripping down my face, the bar heavy with 135 pounds on my shoulders while my school’s strength coach encourages me, “come on, you got this”. I do it. I squat a set of 135 pounds for the first time!
Golfing is a way to ease the mind, relax, and push harder to always do better than your last game. Life is too short to play bad golf, which is why practice makes for a perfect game. Golfing is a worldwide sport, a gentleman’s game, also a great business sport. It is attached to our culture and forever will be by its relaxing freedom and great views on the course. Picture one is an Adidas sports add featuring Colin Montgomery a professional golfer, telling golfers no matter what the circumstance is in the weather or your life, get out there and practice when no one else is stand out so you can achieve that extra inch into the hole. Which brings us to the second ad a Nike ad with the picture of a golf ball an inch away from going in the hole. This is saying that if you would’ve been out playing when no one else was you would have made that extra inch and made the shot. The effectiveness of the first ad is the results of the second ad, if you put in the work you will seek the rewards.
Life has pushed her put of her comfort zone. After graduating high school, she moved to another state completely alone. There was a time to become self-reliance, to become independent. This is an example of recentering( Professor T. Rondinone, personal communication, April, 2017). Grace found full time job at the post office as a dispatcher. “For the first time I felt wanted. People started acknowledging me. I realized that I can be good at something.” However, the job was making her feel good about herself, she still wanted something more. She was craving for close intimate relation with that special man, who can love her and in return she can love him. She had such a strong need for meaningful, profound bounding with that romantic partner,
It was a nondescript red, brick building with a ten-foot-high chain-link fence that surrounded the entire property. My first impression of the facility was cold and imposing. The locked entrance had an intercom system located on its right side. The sign above the intercom clearly stated to ring for assistance.
I was never late, I worked day after day at “P” Check Cashing Place. I worked there for two years. My position their was a Shift Manager/Cashier. I try to get along with the employees I was in charged of because I wanted my shift to always meet the quarter at the end of the week. Having the position I had was a lot of responsibility, I loved it because I like to feel in charged and because I like to dominated, tell people what to do. If i had the chance to do it again I would.
One weekend I went out with friends for the first time since returning to campus from winter break. It was also the first time I smoked weed since breaking up with him, and I had also been drinking that night. I did have fun; my friends looked out for me and dropped me of in my dorm. But once I was in my room, he contacted me wanting to talk. Up until then we had not been in communication because he expressed having no desire to talk to me after “what I did” to end the relationship. I was aware of my state and told him I was not sober. Apparently neither was he, which would supposedly make us “talking” better cause it would be more “honest”. So he comes over and I let him in. I have so many regrets, but I also know that my decisions while under the influence did not give him the permission to do what he did. I let him into my room, I let him talk to me because I could not respond with what I wanted to say to him in my state, I let him kiss me because I could not resist him…and he took it further than I wanted to go. A week later, I confided to one of my Academic Deans about what happened and an Order of No Contact was put into place.
Many hospital visits and multiple tests later it was time to simply wait for the results. With anticipation I waited what it seemed like an eternity for the most important phone call of my life. I would jump every time my phone rung. One very peaceful morning I was standing in the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room, suddenly the silence was broken by phone ringing, I startled. Looking down on the screen it was the hospital, I answered it quickly. I could feel my heart rising to my throat. It was my living donor coordinator calling with the results: I was a MATCH!!! Pure joy rushed through my body like a lightning sending a chill down my spine raising up every hair on my body. Immediately after I called my husband to share the incredible news. At first, he couldn’t believe it but deep down in our hearts we knew I will be the right candidate. When he got home from work we looked into each other eyes and just started to cry from joy, fear and love all together. Without any further delays we selected a date for the operation August 1st which has a special double meaning for us our first wedding anniversary and the transplant.