
Personal Narrative: A Day At The Workplace

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As I sit on the toilet at 5:02 P.M. waiting for it to be 5:04 to find my answer. Negative or Positive? I walk into my room with the tests in my hand to show my fiancé, his big blue eyes lights up with excitement. I have taken four digital tests all saying negative. This particular test was different, there was a faint positive result! I didn’t think anything of it, because It wasn’t quite time for my period anyway. Soon enough, I would find out how accurate that last test was. A month went by it was June 16, 2015 and I was at work very light headed, having troubles breathing, my throat was hurting, and I had a bad body ache. I had to go to the hospital to find out what was going on. When I walked into work I automatically hated the smell, it smelled like dirty oil. My boss was nagging at me because I wasn’t taking orders and money fast enough in back drive. I was so dizzy it was hard to stand. I thought I was going to pass out. I asked my boss to let me sit on a bucket but he said that he wasn’t going to let me do that, because he already sent one person home that day for it. I texted my dad to tell him I needed to go to the hospital after work because I didn’t feel good at all. After I got off of work I went to the hospital and they tested me to see if I had strep throat, to see if I had a urinary tract infection, and last but not least a pregnancy test. They came back to the room and they told me that …show more content…

My first appointment I was 7 weeks and 6 days. They could not yet hear the heartbeat of the baby. I then had my second appointment August 12, 2015. That appointment, I was 13 weeks. I got to hear the heartbeat and I and my fiancés mother cried a little. When I heard the heart beat it made me feel calm. It made me so happy to hear my baby. My doctor was laughing because the baby was very active and didn’t want to stop moving. She said that the baby was very

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