
Personal Narrative-Changing Experience Of Being The Typical Middle School Girl

Decent Essays

When I was around five years old, I had a female doll that was the same size as me at the time. My mother would play music for us almost every night and I would choose the doll to be my dancing partner. Although, I would only dance with the doll if I was wearing a pajama shirt and pants; I never would dance with it if I was wearing one of my night gowns. My mother would not let me cut the doll's platinum-gold hair, to make it appear more like a boy even though I had asked her over and over. It just seemed odd to me, a girl to dance with another "girl". The idea of two people who were the same gender being a little bit more than friends was such a foreign thought. I never had seen anything of the sort during my short time on Earth. Only seeing heterosexual relationships on the television and around me in everyday life, I had no idea that homosexuality was a thing. One day while I …show more content…

Not being the typical middle school girl probably made me an easy target for this accusation; I never wore makeup, I wasn't wearing the movement restricting skirts or scratchy blouses, and I wasn't trying to get out of P.E. There was one occasion, I remember during eighth grade while our class was in the lunchroom, one of the lunch options was fish sticks. I was sitting with my group of friends at the table parallel from theses copies of preppy girls with the same shade of sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, with Christian crosses around their necks. One of them had turned around and called my name and scoffed, "Want some of my fish!" all of the other copies burst out into jolly laughter. At first I only thought they wanted me to eat the fish because they had done something disgusting to it, but then I thought it was a sexual innuendo. "No" I told them, with my brows arched in annoyance and suspicion, I turned away and gave my attention to my

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