
Personal Narrative: Decisions Of The Past

Decent Essays

Decisions of the Past
Throughout history, innovations have made modern life more stabilized. For me, the past represents a learning process that led us to the growth of today, which is evident through The Civil Rights Movement, the medical advancements and the evolution of the churches.
Martin Luther King was a man of many words. He contributed to the African American Civil Rights Movement. By not standing up for his beliefs, colored people may not have had rights to this day. My knowledge leads me to believe that I would not be the same person I am this present day. I would have probably been raised to hate colored people because it would have been "the norm". In addition, I would dread to feel less important, to possibly be a slave and to be left …show more content…

In fact, I feel the medical and technological advancements were two of the biggest evolutions of our time.
Unlike the medical field, the churches did not nearly evolve. Despite the fact that the churches had power at one point in time, I'm happy that they've lost their say in society. However, the churches were very strict. I would have been scared to be punished for not wanting to attend mass because my beliefs are different. I assume they lost their power because they did not want to change and were persistent in their old habits. The citizens were appointed attend Mass every Sunday, read the bible, believing in a God and it wouldn't go unpunished for disobeying. Therefore, I think those who assisted mass on a regular basis fought back and stopped going. The reason being, many churches in 2016 have closed their doors due to the lack of interest of

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