
Personal Narrative Essay

Decent Essays

Tyler and Sam grew up together as neighbors and have known each other since they were little kids. Tyler was older than Sam, but only by two months and twenty-nine days. Tyler and Sam did everything together, including riding bikes, homework, and even talked about what it would be like to be all grown up and married with kids of their own. They both made a pact to name their first born after one another. They did not know what would happen if the baby came out to be a girl because they were too young back then to know where babies came from.
Tyler’s birthday is coming up soon and Sam does not know what to get a guy turning seventeen who has everything. Sam may have lived a crossed the street from Tyler but it was clear whose dad made the most …show more content…

Sam pauses for a second as he watches his father stare at the television. Sam grabs the garbage and goes to the back of the house to empty the trash. He knew he would only have about five minutes before his father notices his stuff is still on the floor. He creeps to the front of the house hoping his father would not see or hear him. As silently as he could, he makes it all the way to the old and rusty gate in the front yard. He did not make a plan about the gate and decided that the gate would make too much noise. Disappointed in his plan, Sam goes back inside and grabs his things in utter defeat, then marches up the stairs to his room where he slams the door so hard that the picture of him and Tyler hanging on the wall falls to the ground and …show more content…

He felt empty inside and figured he would never see Tyler again. Running up to his room he felt like he would not spend another second living in this house. He tied a long piece of rope around the ceiling fan in his room. Set up a chair underneath it and step on to it. Crying hysterically he ties the other end of the rope around his neck and looks at the picture of him and Tyler on his bed. As he reaches for the picture, the chair starts to move and snaps Sam’s neck. Tyler and his family came back in seven months to learn that Sam has

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