
Personal Narrative Essay

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It was four AM in the morning when it happened the first time, mother rapping on your knuckles to get you up for practice, you were six. If you missed a single note or were off key you received more punishment; or as Maman called it, constructive criticism. Your knuckles bleed on the white keys of the piano, you sobbed, Maman only got more enraged. "Mircalla, how do you expect to be the best if you don't practice?" she whispered, her hands on your shoulders. She didn't want an answer because when you tried to speak she scowled at you and nodded back to the keyboard. "Yes Maman," you muttered and returned to playing At The Ivy Gate by Brian Crane. All you wanted for your seventh birthday was a guitar, all the other children at the academy …show more content…

You shy from the cameras although Maman pushes you towards them, but when hasn't she? You have recitals back to back, interviews, tours. This is everything you didn't want, you just wanted a guitar and to play in the courtyard of the academy to the adorning students who wished they could be as talented as you. In your first interview the interviewer asks about your scars on your knuckles, you clam up, realizing that you forgot to wear your gloves today. "Nothing, just from falls at the academy," you smile as you respond in a soft tone. Maman nods, knowing she'll deal with the reporter at a later …show more content…

You hung out together, making small gestures with your hands, turning into bigger things such as holding them and teaching each other your instruments. She played electric and you played acoustic, she'd grown tired of electric and admired the beauty of acoustic more. Honestly you were more attracted to the rawness of electric, but still loved acoustic all the same. It was when you started playing together that you realized you loved Ell too. The night you went over to her home still is an open wound, playing you the song you wrote for her on your guitar, asking her to be

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