As I laid in bed, semi-awake my stomach in knots, heart erratically beating I was a bundle of nerves. Sleep was elusive for me the night before as it always is for a significant event. That day was a massive event. I was leaving to go on a trip with friends during spring break holiday. After weeks of planning, the day was finally here. I had a mental checklist of everything I needed. I called all my friends to see if they were ready and as excited as I was. The group consisted of; Karla, an assertive divorcee, Mish my tall, lanky cousin, Alan a quiet, sensitive man, Anthony a typical introvert and Juan a young, adventurous guy. Mish, Alan, and Juan decided that preparation was not something of importance to them. They were waiting for Karla …show more content…
We could not agree on where to stop for food, how much gas to put in the car, who is going to drive next. I certainly did not foresee everyone being so dogmatic about little details. The radio blasted, and somehow the trip is going smoothly again we sang along to the radio, reminisced about high school for Karla, Mish, and I. Alan, Juan listened along and interjected with quips about themselves that we were not aware. The two hours after that seemed to come quickly and finally we arrived at our destination Panama City, Florida. The excitement was building, our voices became boisterous; knees began to shake walking to the hotel front desk. Mish told them we wanted to check in, but as my eyes were wandering around, I saw some disturbing things in that lobby. The guys headed to their room first, but Karla and I agreed to tour the hotel some more despite seeing the dirty floors, unkempt old furniture in the lobby. We resolved to go to our room finally, so there we were standing in front of our room expecting the worst. What we saw in that room did not disappoint, mold by the shower head, stained comforters, leaking air conditioner. Incensed, I got on the phone with Priceline demanding a refund only for them to tell me it would be impossible to get a refund with hotel approval and the only way to get that is if the hotel deems it impossible to stay in the room. I felt like arguing my point more, but everyone else wanted me …show more content…
It rain cats and dogs two out of the four days we were there. The beach had double red flags half of one day, so we decided to go down to Destin to probably the most horrible water park I have ever been. As I laid in the floating tube, I contemplated all my life choices, and what I did to merit such an unpleasant trip. I could not come up with anything. We left the park shortly after that feeling downhearted. We piled into the car; then the radio announced something that could turn the trip around. This massive club in Panama had girls get in free before eleven and men can get in at reduced prices, and a Florida-based rapper was going to perform. I was ecstatic and googled reviews of the club and read it to everyone. My friends did not seem as excited as I was, and no one wanted to go. I anticipated my friends would not mind doing something that interested me, but I was mistaken. All I could think about was all the stuff I did that weekend that I did not want just to make everyone content. I could not believe people I consider friends would just blow off my idea. That was my last
I scratched at my forearms, itching for another fix. The light from my phone illuminated my face as I checked my text messages from my dealer, hoping soon he would be at the meeting place, cause I was cold. The wind whipped at my face as I walked up to the abandoned hotel where I was told to meet. The hotel had been standing alone for almost a hundred years now and was completely deserted other than occasional junkie or homeless person that milled about. People in this town barely even knew it was here anymore, everyone had moved on into a more industrial age and forgot about the history hiding in the shadows. The door creaked loudly as I opened it, the sound echoing through the pitch black halls. I switched on the flashlight on my phone and
I caused Greg to break his hand without any remorse at the time. Greg was a high school acquaintance who tended to bully me. He was significantly taller, stronger and more athletic; therefore physically bullying me wasn’t much effort for him. When I heard he was coming to work at the warehouse, I wasn’t particularly happy about it. The warehouse contained boxes from multiple suppliers. Some were really thick and some were really thin. They all contained books, though some were heavy text books while others were light weight paper backs. All workers with experience knew which boxes were heavy, which had thick soft cardboard as a box, and which were encased in thin cardboard. I waited until Greg stopped by with his working partner for
I was sitting in one of my friend’s basement, talking, laughing and messing around like we normally do. Because the July heat was almost unbearable, we are all going to the beach later. My friends and I do a lot together and we have been a group since about 5th grade. Also my family and I share everything with each other, and we really like each other unlike some families who hardly tolerate each other. I have lived a pretty good life so far. I get good grades during the school year. There is also a chance that I will play college basketball after my last two years of high school. My life is heading in a good direction, and the whole world seems on my side. Then I get the phone call and know that something is wrong and that my life was about
I smiled and made my way to the lobby where I met my mom and aunt. As we walked out of the hotel, I felt tears well up in my eyes. I remembered how I had almost cried because I was frightened to come, and now I wanted to cry because I didn’t want to leave. I was shy and quiet at the beginning of the week, and I had gotten comfortable with those in my group and on my bus, and I had made quite a few friends I didn’t want to leave. I knew that week was going to be one I would remember for the rest of my life, but I didn’t know to what extent. I knew then, that it was going to be one of my most sacred
Starts in the morning i step out of my car and it is pitch dark and eerie quiet, its early morning the day after a tragic football game and everyone is tired and anticipating the meet ahead. We all sit muming with each other and feeling at perfect temperature. When i hear the push, hum of the bus arriving up the drive. Everyone is ready just to get on the bus to sleep. On the bus i can't get to sleep because i'm sharing my seat with a girl and the bus driver doesn't stop talking. We show up at the meet and i'm waiting for the tent to get set up so i can put my bag down. My shoulder was aching and the grass was scratching my leg. During the warm up i'm excited because two male teammates run with us. And one smells good. At the beginning of the
Waves are crashing at all sides of the raft. All I hear are people yelling. I want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep.All I have with me are the clothes I’m wearing and my pink, teddy bear laylee. All of the sudden my body jerks. I look both ways for my mommy and daddy. I panic when I realize that I can’t find them. All I do is sit there, hugging my knees and rocking back and forth. Then something jerks my body even more and in two seconds I go from seeing land not so far away to pure darkness. I’m wet all over and I see bodies that I hope are alive. All around me are loose items like clothes, baskets, headscarves, and ripped pieces of the boat. I see laylee out of the corner of my eye and grab her. As soon as I grab her, two hands wrap
I met Coleton at the Samwell Restaurant and bar, a small, intimate restaurant a few blocks from the court house.
I am writing this letter because when you would not talk to me on the phone I realized how drastically things have changed between us. I’d like to say that it was your decision alone to keep this distance, but I think we both know it was for the best.
Yesterday was an absolutely amazing rollercoaster ride of a day, and I'm grateful for all the people in my life. From dealing with personal drama and challenges, to working non-stop often 20 hours per day getting my business together, keeping my finances up, and setting up a foundation for my friends and family that can grow into something more for future generations.
I was 21 years old I moved to my house. I was a tall man I lived by myself I just moved into my new house it was a long day moving my stuff in. It was also my first night there I went to sleep tired. I looked at my bed little but comfortable like it was calling out to me like it wanted me to lay down so I just went to sleep I then woke up in the middle of the night.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t ropable about leaving my home, my friends, and my school. Ever since Mum left us, Dad’s heart bad been set on leaving. Dad’s new life moto: “We have to leave our memories in the past, move on, and start a new chapter in our lives.” Anything I said didn’t even come into consideration. I had just finished the most stressful year of my life, and was finally on the right track, but now the track is coming to a wobbly end.
It's hard when people judge you when they don't even know the full story. When my mother past away this Christmas brake it effected me in more ways than I every realized it would. Her death allowed a variety of people such as; strangers, acquaintance, family and friends to view mw completely different from the girl they use to know for years or even the girl they knew last semester.
The freezing cold seeped into my clothing and made me shiver. I was finally here. I slowly raised my hand to the button to ring my dad’s apartment. I was very reluctant to be here all alone not knowing what I had gotten myself into. My dad greeted me with the brightest smile,telling me to set my things in my new room. Nancy, his girlfriend, smiled warmly, greeted and asking me if I needed any help with anything to ask her. I set all my things into my new room. Christmas lights hung by the window and a twin sized bed was put in the left corner. A small closet was tucked to the left side of the door. I had set all my belongings onto the floor. I sat on the bed and thought through what had just happened.
It’s all a blur really – the memories that is, some dreams and others reality. I hate that dreams seem so real, that they make everything that you truly want happen. Then, when you wake up, you still think it’s real because you felt everything in that dream and all its emotions. And in that moment, that blink of an eye you have to deal with the nagging in your brain telling you it’s not real. My memories consisted of misguided mistakes that made me who I am today. Like the day I got lost in the mall and hung out in the book store because it was quiet. And the days where my dad and me would sit in the living room and listen to music. My mom would always laugh at me and tell us how lame we were, but it was okay because we knew she was joking.
It was a beautiful spring day with the sun shining, birds chirping and the smell of flowers wafting through the open windows. How was I to know that this beautiful day was going to take a drastic turn? As my husband of ten years stepped out of the shower, doubt hung in the air like a curtain of smog making it difficult to breathe. It was at this moment that he clued me in on his secret of infidelity. As I struggled to understand, it felt like my world was collapsing around me like the buildings at a planned demolition.