
Personal Narrative

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As I laid in bed, semi-awake my stomach in knots, heart erratically beating I was a bundle of nerves. Sleep was elusive for me the night before as it always is for a significant event. That day was a massive event. I was leaving to go on a trip with friends during spring break holiday. After weeks of planning, the day was finally here. I had a mental checklist of everything I needed. I called all my friends to see if they were ready and as excited as I was. The group consisted of; Karla, an assertive divorcee, Mish my tall, lanky cousin, Alan a quiet, sensitive man, Anthony a typical introvert and Juan a young, adventurous guy. Mish, Alan, and Juan decided that preparation was not something of importance to them. They were waiting for Karla …show more content…

We could not agree on where to stop for food, how much gas to put in the car, who is going to drive next. I certainly did not foresee everyone being so dogmatic about little details. The radio blasted, and somehow the trip is going smoothly again we sang along to the radio, reminisced about high school for Karla, Mish, and I. Alan, Juan listened along and interjected with quips about themselves that we were not aware. The two hours after that seemed to come quickly and finally we arrived at our destination Panama City, Florida. The excitement was building, our voices became boisterous; knees began to shake walking to the hotel front desk. Mish told them we wanted to check in, but as my eyes were wandering around, I saw some disturbing things in that lobby. The guys headed to their room first, but Karla and I agreed to tour the hotel some more despite seeing the dirty floors, unkempt old furniture in the lobby. We resolved to go to our room finally, so there we were standing in front of our room expecting the worst. What we saw in that room did not disappoint, mold by the shower head, stained comforters, leaking air conditioner. Incensed, I got on the phone with Priceline demanding a refund only for them to tell me it would be impossible to get a refund with hotel approval and the only way to get that is if the hotel deems it impossible to stay in the room. I felt like arguing my point more, but everyone else wanted me …show more content…

It rain cats and dogs two out of the four days we were there. The beach had double red flags half of one day, so we decided to go down to Destin to probably the most horrible water park I have ever been. As I laid in the floating tube, I contemplated all my life choices, and what I did to merit such an unpleasant trip. I could not come up with anything. We left the park shortly after that feeling downhearted. We piled into the car; then the radio announced something that could turn the trip around. This massive club in Panama had girls get in free before eleven and men can get in at reduced prices, and a Florida-based rapper was going to perform. I was ecstatic and googled reviews of the club and read it to everyone. My friends did not seem as excited as I was, and no one wanted to go. I anticipated my friends would not mind doing something that interested me, but I was mistaken. All I could think about was all the stuff I did that weekend that I did not want just to make everyone content. I could not believe people I consider friends would just blow off my idea. That was my last

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