
Personal Narrative Fiction

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“I’ve never been good at making decisions,” i thought to myself

The choice is killing me, what do i do? Just 30 minutes ago i was blacked out in the trees, Now i'm thinking about getting back on, i’m crazy. But i don't even know want i want to do. I smelt the fresh pine trees and the cold snow. It was beautiful, a tunnel made up of only trees, the glistening snow sparkling.

I look at my mom, she was looking down at something, i don’t know exactly what though.
Another tear streamed down my face, i now realize how bad my arm actually hurt. It felt numb, but yet, i could feel every single tingling pain that came towards it. It ached, i had millions of little cramps going up and down, all the way to my shoulder.

“I,” i mumbled “I don’t know.” …show more content…

We started riding back down the narrow path. I squeezed my arm so tight i could feel my heartbeat.

“bu-bum” My mind started drifting away, i couldn’t believe what happened. I started to think about what had happened, how scared i was.

I was trying to look, the anticipation was killing me. I couldn’t quite see what it was, i figured it was nothing, although i knew it had to be something. I just tried to enjoy the ride again, you wouldn't think so, but within 3 seconds, a lot of fear can happen. I heard snowmobile noises getting closer and closer.

“Skrrrr” i panicked
“Brmmm” my heart raced, “bu-bum bu-bum”
“Prrrr” i was shaking, full on panicking

Now i saw something. It was blue, but not like the ocean though, blue like the night sky. It was awfully pretty, but i didn't have much time to admire the beauty.

“Bu-bum” my heart rate got faster, “bu-bum.”

I couldn't stop panicking, i know nothing will happen, but something tells me this is the time, this is the time everything will go wrong. I wanted to enjoy this, i wanted to have fun.

My dad swerved
I held on tighter.
My dad swerved more
“Bu-bum, bu-bum”
My dad fully turned, crashing into the trees. I scream inside, like i'm being

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