
Personal Narrative: Flesh-Eating Murderous Involves

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When I was little, most kids my age pretended to be Buzz Lightyear or a classic Disney Princess like Snow White for a day; me on the other hand … I was a little different. My imagination crossed the line when I believed for months that I was a living, breathing werewolf when I was 7 years old. I was not pretending however, and I tried to keep it a secret from everyone. I wasn't one of those flesh-eating murderous werewolves, but a werewolf that would run around at night exploring and wake up the next day not remembering what had happened. It all started when I started listening to my parents read Goosebumps, a book series with monsters and creepy crawlies. One book talked about a werewolf, and I was hooked. I would watch various movies

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