
Personal Narrative: Food Bank Meeting

Decent Essays

I am feeling the need to clarify something with you in regards to the elected officials’ database and the timing of it being completed. You asking the question raised a red flag for me and it has not been sitting well with me all day. I sent the partial database out to you, Karen, and Sheena at 8pm on Friday night after getting close to 200 entries to the database that represented a substantial portion of the Second Congressional District and some of the areas around Clark County (another 50 or so names). Those 200 names represent a bulk of the highest population density of the Food Bank service area. Saturday I was working the volunteer session from 9a to about 3:30pm. After the session was over, I prepared close to 30 invitation letters to city and county officials in Washoe, Storey, Lyon, Churchill, and Carson City. We are inviting them to attend the poverty simulation during the agency conference at the end of September. I got those printed and sign so they could be mailed out Monday morning. Because it is common for some government organizations to take substantial time off in August, I wanted those letters out as early as possible to give time for them to plan. Reminder emails or post cards will be sent in at the end of August. …show more content…

I returned back to Reno at 11p that same Saturday night. Sunday was a very rough transition day with Jordan and I needed to give her my full attention. So, that prevented me from giving time to the database. Which would have been my first choice. The lost time driving back and forth and helping Jordan cope with the change made it impossible for me to dedicate any hours during that weekend to finishing legislative component of the database. I really wanted to get it

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