
Personal Narrative: Growing Up As A Middle Child

Decent Essays

As a child my perspective and the way I looked at the world came from mostly what my parents, older siblings and teachers told me. They've challenged me to think in ways that I never did alone. They've changed my opinion on many things, and they've opened my eyes to new ways to look at concepts. They also instilled some of my values during my early years.
But as I am growing up, my source of information doesn’t only come from the people around me, I am starting to look at the world through my own perspective and experiences. I do sometimes disagree with my parents, siblings, teachers, and other people in my daily lives confirming that I have my own perspective on life but I still rely on my parents and my elders because I still know so little about this world.My older sister influences my …show more content…

Being the middle child influences my perspective because I didn’t really get that much attention growing up and learned that the world doesn’t revolve around me even as a child, and put my siblings before myself.Growing up as middle child, I learned responsibility at a young age and selflessness at a young age. Having younger siblings pushed me to helping out my mother from a young age.
My education and experiences influence my perspective, knowing about more things causes me to look at the world through different lenses compared to when I was younger and didn't know how things work.Also my education and experiences help me be more open minded towards other people's perspective. My parents took me to Kenya and I lived there for a little while and experienced how things worked in a different country, the culture, the way people lived. I was surrounded by a totally different environment

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