
Personal Narrative: Growing Up As An Immigrant

Decent Essays

Growing up in a immigrant family and being a first generation born U.S. citizen, I experienced a lot of things most kids might've not. There were positives moments in my life, but we all know life is not easy, everyone has something that prevents them from falling asleep at night. I remember when I was younger, I had just got back from school and I learned how to spell my first word, TREE, I was at my grandma's house and I was so excited I had to tell her, "Rosa! Mira, aprendi como excrivir arbol! Look, I learned how to spell tree." She had a confused expression, but through my excitement and innocence, I didn't notice. I took a piece of paper and proceeded to write the word TREE and showed my grandma. She looks at the paper and says, "Mijo, …show more content…

This was the first time I experienced some sort of difference, but it wasn't the only time. I went to schools that were mostly classes filled with kids of different backgrounds, so elementary and middle school were times that showed me that I am different, but that is not bad thing. I gained confidence in being Mexican because I knew my friends experienced the things I did. I knew some other kids went home and spoke another language other than English that their parents taught them. I grew up with kids like me, kids that showed me that I didn't choose to be Mexican, I just got …show more content…

High School was way more different than my earlier schools, there wasn't a lot of colored kids. Freshman year was a struggle in making friends, I would fill my head with thoughts that told me I chose the wrong school to attend. I felt as if all the kids knew where I came from, I knew the stereotypes for Mexicans and I felt that was how I was viewed by the other students. I'm sure a lot of the kids didn't have those views, but I bet my money some of them did. I remember specific times in certain classes where I would do something academically right like answer a question correctly and the heads of some would turn towards me in shock, and I'd just think 'Yes, you guys, I can speak English fluently and I have the cerebral power to answer a question correctly.' This continued till sophomore year, when I started hanging out with friends that I could relate to. This gave a boost in my social life, my group of friends showed me to take pride in being the minority. Junior year and senior year were the time of my life thanks to my friends, to the school my friends and I were known as Bean Squad, go figure. We took the name as a token for our diversity, we stood out from the rest of the school, but were still part of the same community. I never experienced face to face racism at the school because the other kids were smart enough not to disrespect me,

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