My friends and I consider ourselves to be pretty outdoorsy people. Whether we are kayaking down rivers or exploring through caves, we tend to always have the most fun with each other whenever we are outside. So as Lauren, JR, Maya, and I were thinking about what to do for Maya’s birthday, hiking the Walls of Jericho just seemed like the best idea ever. None of us had ever hiked the Walls and had only the highest expectations for the adventure. All week we were anticipating the trip and finally the brisk October Saturday came and as we were filling up our water bottles and bags with granola bars, we talked about how fun today would be. Little did we know that we were going to learn during the hike that some of the most fun days are the ones …show more content…
We were high on life. We knew the general direction of where the park was, so we began to cruise that way. After about an hour and a half and a couple of restroom stops, we arrived at what we thought was the right parking lot. Looking back I don’t know how we didn’t notice the giant sign saying “horse trail”, but I guess that’s what happens when you are just ready to hit the trails. We got out at the horse trail parking lot and began to look at the map. After about five minutes of just staring at the grid of colored lines and dots that meant nothing to us, we figured that we could figure out the way later and began to head to the first path we …show more content…
We had planned to spend a good hour or so hanging out at the bottom and catching our breath, however due to the sun setting soon, we knew that we would have to immediately head back. So as irritated and tired as we were, we headed back up the trail. Now as I said we are all pretty outdoorsy people. However, Lauren isn’t the most athletic girl I know and also wore her dad’s boots which were three sizes too big and were beginning to give her blisters. Did I mention that the trail back is a three mile, straight-up hills trail? We knew that it was going to be hard to get her back to the top before it got to dark to hike. Also, since our car was in the horse parking lot, that would be an extra mile once we got to the top. So we figured the best option would be to divide up. Maya and I took off so that we could get the car and drive it back to where Lauren and JR would be waiting at the top of the hiking trail. Maya and I hiked up as quickly as we could, completely out of breath, out of water, and out of energy. I didn’t think that we would ever make it out, until finally I saw the light out of the trees. Once we made it out of the trail, we ran the mile to the car and rejoiced as we finally got to sit down in the air-conditioned Elantra. We drove back to Lauren and JR waiting for us and ended the hectic day by eating pancakes at Cracker
One summer my parents informed my brother Ben and I we were going on a trip to Yellowstone National Park. I had never been so excited for anything in my life. I had a passion and love for nature, and being that Yellowstone had some of the most beautiful and interesting geological features on Earth, I knew I would have a blast. They said we would be going in a few weeks, and I literally couldn’t wait. I kept asking questions upon questions, and finally, my dad just got annoyed. “Go research it, Juliette.” He said. “The internet will know more than I do.” I took his advice and went to research Yellowstone.
We setout with our nalgines full of watter and we thought that we would not even use halph, But we undermested the heat and the terain of the trail. At first it was nice and shadie walk through nature. There where lots of trees and felids of crops surrounding us, and I loved it. We where all happy untill we had to climb a 200 foot h, and to make things even worst the clouds have moved and now the sun is bakeing. When we made it to the top, we where all
After an eight hour drive we finally made it to Yosemite National Park. We were minutes away from starting our camping adventure and none of us could hold in our excitement. As we pulled into the parking lot we instantly noticed that the whole place was completely abandoned. We were puzzled as to why the park was closed. Annabelle was the first one to break the silence. She turned to Wyatt and said, “there is no way in hell that I’m leaving this place without going camping.” The furious look on her face made us realize that she would be impossible to reason with. Wyatt tried explaining to her that it might not be safe to camp at a deserted park but she grabbed her backpack and marched over to the fence. She promptly threw her gear over the fence
My names Linn and i’m 24 years old, this morning my husband gave me some horrible and good news. The bad news is that our family is going on the Oregon trail and that means we're leaving Illinois, where I grew up my whole life and our family dog, but the good news he said about going on the Oregon trail is that when we get to our destination we're gonna have a lot more farm land. Today we're gonna try and find a wagon. We went to our friends house to see if the have a wagon we can use and it happens that the do it's a Prairie Schooner and they gave it to us for a lower price than what they wanted it for. We hooked our horse up to the wagon and we were on our way back home. When we got home, we automatically started to pack. My husband James, who is 25 years old
Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t think you could do it? Well I have many times and I’m going to write about a time during Rodeo when I didn’t think I was going to be able to do well in goat tying.
Humans are animals. Even as developed, personalized, and intelligent as we are, we share a deep connection with every living thing. However, many of the problems in the world result from the human belief that technology is more powerful and can replace the serene, perfect essence of nature. I believe that a connection with nature can heal wounds and help humans find balance in their lives.
Crammed in a 1992 Ford truck that is supposed to seat three people, my brother, sister, dad, and I surprisingly arrived at my dad’s favorite park; it just happened to be over an hour away. This mini trek felt as if it lasted for hours. At first, I dreaded piling up to listen to my family complain about having each others’ elbows touching for more time than I would have liked. I soon discovered the uncomfortable ride would be worth it. Once we reached the winding road where we significantly decreased our speed from the highway, my siblings and I grew with excitement to finally be able to stretch our legs and go hiking. We unloaded the truck to spend a couple hours at what we called Great Falls Park.
When I was twelve years old, I learned that horses do not like me. My friend Molly and I went to Camp Ernst the summer before seventh grade during Christmas in July week. We didn’t know anyone else there, so we got stuck in a cabin with a bunch of snobby Milford girls. Molly really wanted to do the horse camp, so I did it too because I didn’t want to be alone with the other girls. I wasn’t really into horses but Molly was so I decided to take one for the team.
Last summer I went to Joshua Tree with my family and another family with their daughter Faith. Joshua Tree is a vast desert with many huge rocks that we loved to climb. We had wanted to climb as high as we could, and we did. We went extremely high and it was beautiful. But although it was beautiful where we were, we wanted to climb higher, so we did. We climbed even higher, so high that… we got stuck. Faith started freaking out and I wasn’t sure what to do. I kept telling her we were fine and nothing was wrong, even though we had a long fall from where we were to the ground, and a huge wall we couldn’t climb on the other side of us. Faith started hyperventilating and I told her we would just climb down how we got up. After about 30 minutes of sitting there trying to calm her down and persuade her into coming down with me, she eventually gave in and allowed me to hold her while we went down a scary slope. After a while we eventually made it off the huge rock formation and back down to the campsite. Faith was still very scared and did not want to climb anymore, but we did have a great story to tell once we got back.
Riding along the Oregon Trail can be treacherous, risky, and at times perilous. Some aspects that make it so dangerous are: hunger, disease, suicide, a broken wagon, falling out of the wagon and getting run over by the wheels, Indians attacking, and … storms. Believe it or not , storms cause substantial amounts of trouble. I am fortunate enough to say, I, Dahlia Clark, lived to tell about it.
One cold, dreadful winter day in November, the wind was biting at our faces, high in the Ouachita mountains at Ash Creek deer camp, I would have to face my most dreaded fear. I would be faced with losing the person that means the uttermost to me.
A violent gust of wind laughed as the two girls were trying to reach the conclusion of the hike. The bitter mountain scorned at Lori and Kayla, unleashing its wrath by letting rocks fall keeping the girls on their toes. Lori and Kayla felt as though the entire world was against them. They were so sure that they picked the correct path, but after walking another three miles, the pathway was slowly disappearing from under their feet and they had no idea where they were.“What are we going to do Kayla! We are completely lost, and there it is impossible to get down the way we came. I have no idea where we came from!” Lori exclaimed. Kayla stood there silent in complete shock about what their current situation was. Kayla thought to herself, “I am supposed to be the strong one. But I don't think I can keep this up. I don’t have a plan. What if we never make it off this mountain? It will be my
It was a sunny Colorado morning. My dad and I were taking our annual hut trip; however, we had better planning because this was our third trip. We began the morning like any other day; we got up, gathered our gear and rushed out the door, excited to start the day. As we were driving up the twisting roads in the mountains, we made a quick side stop to get some breakfast. “Do you think this will be an easy hike?” I looked at him with inquiring eyes. “This is the biggest climb we’ve done, but we know what to do this time around,” my dad said, never taking his eyes off the road.
We decided that we would go hiking near Fishing Bridge because there's a lot of forest around there and there’s water so there should be some animals in that area that we can see. When we first got on the trail it was really fun and I was having a great time on the trail being able to see and the trees and some of the small animals and bugs in Yellowstone that live there. I told my mom and dad that I wanted to go deeper into the forest and go off the trail they said that we shouldn’t because it will be dangerous and people easily get lost in the forest. I didn’t listen to them and when they weren’t looking that is when I wondered into the forest, at first I knew were I was and how to get back to the trail, but after a few turns in the forest and going different was I was completely lost and had no clue where I was and how to get back. The only lucky thing about this was that I had the backpack which was full of snacks and water plus bear spray I was really lucky that I had a blanket in the backpack that I brought, so I could sleep in the car when are driving back to the hotel from the trail. With all the snacks and the water I should be able to survive for three days it just depends on how hungry and thirsty I get. I started telling loudly “MOM,DAD” but they couldn’t hear me, I was to far in
"Okay, I am sorry this is just really scary." Wilson replied. After about ten more minutes our counselor was getting worried also. She said no one has ever been lost before. Just what we wanted to hear. We got the bright idea to check the map, and see where the lake was. That was after an hour and a half in the rain. We figured it out and found the lake. We then saw that camp was all the way across from the lake. Which does not seem like a far walk, but keep in kind the was 1,000 acres we are talking about. We then started walking toward camp finally.