
Personal Narrative: Hiking The Horse Trail

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My friends and I consider ourselves to be pretty outdoorsy people. Whether we are kayaking down rivers or exploring through caves, we tend to always have the most fun with each other whenever we are outside. So as Lauren, JR, Maya, and I were thinking about what to do for Maya’s birthday, hiking the Walls of Jericho just seemed like the best idea ever. None of us had ever hiked the Walls and had only the highest expectations for the adventure. All week we were anticipating the trip and finally the brisk October Saturday came and as we were filling up our water bottles and bags with granola bars, we talked about how fun today would be. Little did we know that we were going to learn during the hike that some of the most fun days are the ones …show more content…

We were high on life. We knew the general direction of where the park was, so we began to cruise that way. After about an hour and a half and a couple of restroom stops, we arrived at what we thought was the right parking lot. Looking back I don’t know how we didn’t notice the giant sign saying “horse trail”, but I guess that’s what happens when you are just ready to hit the trails. We got out at the horse trail parking lot and began to look at the map. After about five minutes of just staring at the grid of colored lines and dots that meant nothing to us, we figured that we could figure out the way later and began to head to the first path we …show more content…

We had planned to spend a good hour or so hanging out at the bottom and catching our breath, however due to the sun setting soon, we knew that we would have to immediately head back. So as irritated and tired as we were, we headed back up the trail. Now as I said we are all pretty outdoorsy people. However, Lauren isn’t the most athletic girl I know and also wore her dad’s boots which were three sizes too big and were beginning to give her blisters. Did I mention that the trail back is a three mile, straight-up hills trail? We knew that it was going to be hard to get her back to the top before it got to dark to hike. Also, since our car was in the horse parking lot, that would be an extra mile once we got to the top. So we figured the best option would be to divide up. Maya and I took off so that we could get the car and drive it back to where Lauren and JR would be waiting at the top of the hiking trail. Maya and I hiked up as quickly as we could, completely out of breath, out of water, and out of energy. I didn’t think that we would ever make it out, until finally I saw the light out of the trees. Once we made it out of the trail, we ran the mile to the car and rejoiced as we finally got to sit down in the air-conditioned Elantra. We drove back to Lauren and JR waiting for us and ended the hectic day by eating pancakes at Cracker

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