
Personal Narrative: How Experiences Lead Your Path

Decent Essays

Experiences Lead Your Path There are always obstacles that come in people’s way when they face challenges in life. Education is a priority opportunity for me and I have faced challenges in school and outside of school. I went through so many situations that separated me and my family apart. It was one of the most tragedy years that I’ve experienced. Everything I’ve had and loved began to fade away. As a pre-teen, my father was deceased in the year of 2012. He had always financially supported us and motivated us to go to school. I didn’t have to worry about transportation, food, and brand new supplies. However, ever since my father passed away, our family relationship became poor. My older brother was always out the door and my mother couldn’t …show more content…

My siblings and I were apart and we didn’t get to see our mother any longer, due to parental neglect. After a couple of days later, we all were placed with my relatives. The ones that I was closer to were apart again. Most of my younger siblings and I were placed with two of my cousins. The first year when they took us in was decent. They treated us like a mother bird would feed and care it’s kid, but ever since they took custody over us in 2014, it was like we were trapped in a cage full of tigers. I remembered my siblings and I were forced to do negative things. As the older siblings for three years, I couldn’t do anything, but to sit and wait for something to happen. Ever since my Junior year, I have begun to ask for help in school. I was academically poor, because my former guardians didn’t support what I needed for school. I wasn't able to finish my homework online, and I wasn’t able to be tutored in school. I became despondent disconsolated and introverted at home. Every morning and during lunch I would discussed with my teachers for help on numerous of problems. I have attended to meet up with many counselors that helped me solve my issues at home and at school. Fortunately, I am thankful for my former teachers and school staffs who had faith in me, encouraged me, and supported me throughout my Junior

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