
Personal Narrative: My Angel Sagrario Ponce

Satisfactory Essays

I am Angel Sagrario Ponce.I am fourteen years old and have three younger sisters;one of them goes to Davis with me.Her name is Reyna she has very short dark hair that always curls,curls like spirals in a notebook.We look nothing alike but to some people we do.She is thirteen years old and sometimes still visits my father although I do not. Have you ever been through something something that torn you apart and changed the way you saw yourself?Well that something was my parents divorce.It might have only been five years but it feels like forever at other times I feel like it was just yesterday they were together.My second youngest sister Julianna is five that’s how we keep track of how long they’ve been divorced.I have my step-dad now but we’re not well adjusted yet.Julianna refers to him as her dad though.The divorce didn’t involve any insane trama or violence but it tore my heart.We moved a couple of times after the split since we could not have afforded the house on our own.They shared custody of us for about two years I’d go with him and my new step-mom and my sister.My step-moms son lived with them which made it awkward.Suddenly he just stopped no phone calls no letters no well anything.

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