My story was in the news. Have you ever had something that happened to you or yourself on live news? Well I'm a chemist, but my brother will tell you differently. My brother says that I just like to mess around and that chemist discover stuff and I ruin stuff. I don't let what he says put me down and I always keep trying.
One day I was putting together different ingredients and made a growing potion. The mixture made you grow taller. About a week or so after that I had a professional chemist come in and see if it was really real. This chemists name was John. John would look at your inventions and if you made lots of good inventions then sometimes he would hire you and you would have a good paying job.
John came and saw my growing invention that I had titled "The Grower". John was very impressed and had asked me about my other inventions when I had to come coward and tell him that in all of the years that I had worked I had never really made anything. He said that he would give me a month and would be back. If I made something else that was useful, then, depending on what it was, he would consider hiring me.
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I had to be ready. I first started off by deeply cleansing all of my beakers. I wanted to make sure all of the previous chemicals were cleaned out so that I wouldn't mix any two chemicals that I didn't want mixed. Then I told my family to come over to my house for dinner so I could tell them my exciting news.
I spent a while that day cooking to be prepared for dinner. Once my family got there I quickly told them what happened. My mom and dad were so proud of me, nut then there was my usual brother. He said that I wasn't going to make something in the months time, but I knew that he was messing with me by the tone in his voice. My parents were so proud and they knew I could do this.
The next day I was in my lab working on the new chemical. While I was working my brother had stopped by and distracted me when I did something wrong, but turned out being good. I was measuring out each chemical and writing it down as I used it. Then my brother was talking and being distracting by messing with my things and I grabbed the wrong chemical and added it into the
I was walking down the hall of Leaning middle school as a teacher came up to me. It was my science teacher Mr. Clark. He had some very important news. I had to do a science experiment that could cause death if it went wrong. The reason I had to do this was because I failed a science test.
The bible is a unique book that describes God, His will, power, and qualities. It divided into two main parts which we call the Old and New Testaments. Even though they both reveal true knowledge about God and have much in common, there are plentiful differences between them like who are God’s people, the laws, and the sacrifices.
It was a normal boring day in our Laboratory. When Phil and I were mixing our chemicals for cleaning detergents that we sell to different stores across Iowa. Phil accidentally mixed some of the wrong chemicals. I sneezed then frightened Phil, he knocked his cup on the ground. I was getting a mop to clean it up when all of a sudden I tripped then the mop hit a bottle of chemicals, then the chemicals on the ground mixed with the one in the bottle that created a
As I step out onto the field I smack in the face the aroma of the freshly cut grass. I get the sense of being home after a long trip away. It’s great to be home where I know I have fans that will cheer us on. The grounds crew is out working on the field to get it ready for the game later tonight.
The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa is an architecture of the Baroque period in which light was used to convey spiritual meaning upon this sculpture. It was sculpted from 1647-52 by Gianlorenzo Bernini for the Santa Maria della Vittoria, in Rome, Italy. This architectural piece is made out of marble.
Heading in to taking the tests, I was expecting for my results to confirm what I was already thinking; which was that I would lean toward the psych or engineering field. And it did, while also showing me new career interests that I’m going to also have to consider. I tried to answer all the questions truthfully and honestly to the best of my capabilities, which I believe I have.
A few months ago at a free clinic for recovering drug addicts, a 19-year old female came seeking treatment for her active heroin addiction, and reported her addiction had progressed over the previous six months, paralleling her boyfriend’s, moving quickly from use of oral opioid painkillers to intravenously injecting heroin. The day she came to clinic, make-up barely concealed an injection site on her neck, which she reported, was where her boyfriend injected her with heroin, as she did not know how to inject herself and the veins in her arms had collapsed. The addiction specialist I shadow decided to treat her in the clinic and asked her to return in one week to monitor her transition from heroin to buprenorphine. This patient struck me, as she was so young and overwhelmingly consumed by her disease. However, I was not able to follow up with her case as I began my current position at UCLA. As a shadow, the inability to follow patient’s care as much as I desired, along with knowing I did not have enough experience or knowledge to care for the patients, was incredibly scary and frustrating, although it was simultaneously
For the next week, I saved money from doing chores to use to purchase the food. A few days after I started saving, my mom took me to the
Doing A-Level Chemistry and A-Level Biology have helped to develop my analytical and lateral thinking skills and also my ability to apply these skills to solve problems. Subscribing to the Compound Chemistry blog where new infographics are posted each week based on week-by-week discoveries, has made me more knowledgeable and aware of current successes in chemistry. For instance, in November 2017, a drug was found that could reverse brain damage caused by lead ingestion. Reading the RSC's Chemistry World newsletter has emphasised the significance of chemistry in industry and in our daily lives, as it has such a great impact on the world, revolutionising the treatment of health, as well as transforming the judiciary
Since I can remember I have had a fascination in the biological field. From a young age, I have wanted pursue a career in the medical field because I have always have felt the need to try help everyone in my community. I have taken multiple science classes in the past, been part of multiple medical clubs, some part of the school, and another outside of school. The course that I took, and enjoyed the most out of all the courses that I have taken was during my junior year of my high school. That course was Anatomy, the study of the human body.The reason why I enjoyed taking this course was because it was the first time that I was exposed to the biological field. During this course, I was given the opportunity to dissect a cat.This was the greatest
My survey responses revealed that my two career categories are Social and Conventional. I agree with the Social category. I am currently in a Certified Nursing Assistant class and I have been accepted into numerous nursing schools in Indiana. The Social category fits me best because I enjoy working with other people, teaching others about a specific topic, and caring for others. I do not agree with the Conventional category that was assigned to me. I am not one to enjoy strictly math on a daily basis, and I would belittle myself to the fullest extent if I had a career that did not require a degree.
I am the best candidate for the 2nd shift Team Leader Assembly position. My Associate’s degree in Environmental Science should be a great asset to the position. I have participated on various EHS teams, the hiring committee, and EMRT. I have worked throughout assembly. To name a few I have worked on are RP, M400, ERS, Triple Play, Canopy and Wall Pack. Furthermore, I worked in the ballast area, coil winding and welding. I was given the opportunity to be a temporary coordinator and start up two ERS lines on 2nd shift. After that I realized I wanted more. A coordinator position opened up in the 5th Generation area. I posted for the position and accepted the offer. I have enjoyed this position and realize I have a desire to take on more responsibility
After a long December night, I was in my room the next morning getting ready for school. My parents had already left for work and left my brother and I at home. My brother was taking his time in the shower while I was brushing my hair in the upstairs bathroom patiently waiting for him to finish. After I was done with my hair, I went downstairs and knocked on the bathroom door and said,
Our plan was too tell my parents that we were going black Friday shopping which started around 12am back then. My parents were a little unsure about the idea but gave me permission anyways telling me not to get home to late. What my parents didn’t know was that I wasn’t going to be coming back because in reality we were going to Texas for the weekend. Before we left I knew that if they saw it was getting to late they would give me a call, so before I left I wrote them a letter explaining the truth to where we were really going. I did this because I knew I wouldn’t have enough courage to say on the phone where I was at when they would ask me. I placed the letter under the pillow and off we went to Texas for the weekend or so we
Before starting the Accounting Information Systems class, I had little idea of what accounting information was. After having Professor Carothers for previous accounting classes, I knew it would be a tough class but the knowledge I would gain would be well worth it and everlasting. Throughout this semester, I have learned a great deal of information, because of this it is hard to talk about everything. I decided instead of talking about everything I learned I would choose the topics I believe will be beneficial for later use, whether in school or at a job. The important topics I chose are; creativity, interviewing, cycles, frauds and errors, controls, and flowcharts. The proof of what I learned in this paper is the information stated in the following paragraphs in this paper. Some of the information stated in this paper was obtained from the sources posted on D2L for the AIS class of fall 2016 which is documented in my sources on the last page.