
Personal Narrative: I Am Still A Dance

Satisfactory Essays

When I was a toddler, I was extremely afraid of everyone especially those I didn’t know. I would grab my mom's leg and have a panic attack just because someone walked by me. My mom, quite concerned, asked a pediatrician what she should do. She recommended dance and over fifteen years later I’m still a dancer. Dance is greatest talent, but it doubles as a lifesaver. I was such a scared little kid, however I have forever been changed for the better.
My training began at The City, under the direction of Broadway dancers David and JP. They took me under their wing and taught me not only how to dance, but the meaning of self acceptance and expression. JP taught me my first solo at age seven, an experience I will forever cherish. He not only challenged me with the choreography but improved my self-esteem. It takes a lot of courage to get up on a stage and perform with a group, let alone by yourself, but he convinced me I could. …show more content…

I have danced through many injuries, including, a herniated disk, Osgood Schlatters disease, temporary nerve damage, dislocated ribs and many other random undiagnosed injuries because the show does not wait for my body to heal. It is important to me to be there every day, giving 110 percent because I will always have room to grow as a confident dancer and person. That may mean I stay up until four in the morning to get my homework done, but the sleepless nights are worth the freedom I feel when I jete across the floor, and the pride I have knowing I have never missed a classroom assignment, despite dancing 20- 30 hours every week.
I isolated myself to hide my emotions from all of existence in fear of judgment, dance became my escape to release all my worries. Dance has served such a purpose in my life; I am forever blessed to have been given the ability to dance. I’m stronger, more secure, and forever

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