A memory from my childhood that I can recall is the time when my older cousin, Marc, had taken all the younger cousins, including myself, to Disneyland. We had spent the entire day there, but I can only recall fragments of the day —the gloomy morning, the antsy car ride, and the thrill of Tower of Terror, for example.
Walking away from everything you once knew and starting over is never a picnic. Leaving Iraq, and moving to America has impacted my life more than anything. I was only 4 years old at that time, and the only English I spoke was “excuse me, water please.” My family and I did not know it then, but our lives were going to change; we would become “Americanized”. Learning English was one of the massive changes that occurred, the way I dressed (culture), and even the way I had power to go to school and educate myself.
In 2025, I will be twenty-nine years old and hopefully married. I will be married to my significant other of ten years Earnest Palmer III, who is a dentist. I would have been recently graduating with a bachelor’s in Culinary Arts and trying to plan to open my own restaurant, BubbaD’s Eateries. Knowing my big headed husband of mine, I probably had a baby then and trying to have another baby. Hopefully, by then Earnest will get rid of the idea naming our son, King. We will be living in the suburbs near New York City but working in the city. Being a woman with great memory, I probably wrote a memoir about my crazy life and trying to sell it to a publisher. If none of the publishers wants to publish my memoir, I will probably sell it the Lifetime
He knew it was going to be a no excuses to lose to weather and it was going to be a good day for fans to watch football tonight. He had met with Kyle Cannon who was the quarterback for the team and a running back on the team named Dion Gordon;
The second day of my practice I felt that I had made some progress towards my goals of improving my time management and getting my documenting done earlier and providing relevant healing initiatives for my client.
There I was on the block next to the High Bar. It was about 5:00 at night when my coach told me to do a Kip. As I got up on the bar my nose filled with the smell of chalk. I started to swing, and as I came out of my half turn I looked good. Everything seemed fine but as I came to the part of the Kip where I have to pull my legs up to the bar, I slammed my shins into the bar. My momentum was stopped and I dropped on to the mat, missing the Kip. I felt like I had let down my coach and I had let down myself too. That day I experienced failure. That failure made me want my Kip even more so I worked harder and had support from my teammates.
When I was a freshman, I tried out for the dance team. It was a terrifying experience. I felt as if everything was going against me. The minutest thing appeared so menacing at the time. I didn’t only fear the actual tryout, but I had to imagine how utterly frightening it would be if I made the team.
From my first engagement with John until now, I maintained the MI spirit by honoring and accepting his autonomy, providing support, evoking hope, and by recognizing my crucial role in supporting a client's journey of change. I also provided a supportive and welcoming environment, while maintaining a sense of neutrality and equipoise, and being cognizant of my role as a clinician (as opposed to a teacher, confronter, or mentor), and the effect it has on the establishment of our collaborative therapeutic relationship. Throughout most of my interactions with John, I used the cardinal OARS (Open-ended questions, Affirmations, Reflective listening, Summarizations) techniques commonly used in MI (Miller
You know that moment when you’re trying to reach the toilet paper but can't quite, then fall and kill yourself on a pumpkin? Yeah I know that feeling… it’s not good. It all started one very normalish day at 1065 Fitzgerald Ave.
It was August 28th 2013 , I knew the next day would be the biggest day of my life. All throughout the week, all I had on my mind was the big game. When I woke up on that Friday morning chills would run through my body a bolt of electricity. Knowing I’m one day away from one of the biggest games of my life. The winner has a spot in the playoffs. I was so excited and anxious that I went for a run around my neighborhood because I was filled with so much energy. When I got back from my run I had a creamy peanut butter and nutella sandwich. The best sandwich I’ve ever conceived to this day. Next thing I had to do was take my shower and get all my stuff prepared for the big game.
“Casey, your group needs to do the stunt one more time!” coach said imprudently. It happened March 26, 2015; it was at the end of a two hour practice. During the summer months in South Georgia, it is utterly hot and humid, especially in our cheer gym (a warehouse with no air conditioner); it only has two heavy-duty fans and a roll-up door. With this in mind, my group became slightly irritated. Everyone was exhausted; nevertheless we still had to do the stunt anyway.
When my mother asked me to read a book a few months ago, I was hesitant to agree. A stressful school year was approaching, and seeing my friends on a Saturday night seemed much more appealing. When I was younger, curling up with a good book was a typical pastime. Then came high school, and reading was replaced with countless hours of studying, cheer practice, and trying to figure out when I could catch up on some much needed rest.
The events on the scale that apply to me include: death of close family member, change in health of a family member, gain of a new family member, and change in sleeping habits.
My ability as a writer and a reader has grown stronger each moment, from the beginning of the year until now. I have always struggled to write down my thoughts on a paper, it is easier for me just to say them out loud. Making the portfolio was something I was looking forward to. Making a timeline of how much my skills as a writer and a reader has improved throughout the course it shows my progression I have made. These two essays are the ones that showed how much I have improved over the past couple of months. The first essay that you will see in my portfolio shows how much I lack on providing critical information and how unclear the essay is. The second essay demonstrates how much I have grown from the first essay, it demonstrates my ability as a writer and a reader. Even
I am totally not good at presentations, and I usually go blank while I present. Of course, this time as well, I went totally blank even though I practiced many times, therefore, I could improve it in the future if I practice in front of my friends to get used to present in front of people. Moreover, since I am an accounting major, and I am not familiar with this kind of subject at all, I should have prepared more to make myself familiar with the topic.
What if the dancers turn left instead of right in the finale? Did all the girls secure their costumes with safety pins? What if the stage technicians play the wrong version of my dance mix?