
Personal Narrative: Kadena Elementary School

Satisfactory Essays

I had just stepped foot on Kadena Elementary School, the first grade school I would be attending and I didn’t really know how to feel. Me and my family (my mom, brother, sister, an grandparents) had just moved to Okinawa Japan from Mississippi, My mom was a Trauma nurse in the Air Force all my life so it wasn’t that big of a change moving there. When we had first moved there we didn’t have a house nor a car yet, so me and my family stayed at the Air Force Inn for the time being. The elementary school I was going to be attending for the next three years was pretty far from ewhere we were staying it was a little over a mile, so my grandpa would walk me to school and back everyday until we got our house that turned out to be right next to the …show more content…

When the bell rang the teacher opened the door to let the kids in the classroom (The school year had already started) and then he noticed me and my grandfather. He greated my grandfather and then shook my hand and asked if I was the new student that would be attending the class. When it was time for me to enter the classroom I gave my grandpa a big hug and then my grandpa started walking away. My teacher looked at me and said I ciuld enter the classroom now but I was just looking at the classroom door, and then my teacher, and then back at the door, and then I just started running back to my grandpa crying and gave him a hug! After like 5-10 minutes of crying I held back the tears and sniffled my nose and daid “okay” and I gave my grandpa one last hugg ans then started walking to the classroom while trying hard not to look back.
As I went in the classroom I tried not to look like I was crying while everyone was looking at me. As I sat down everyone started asking my name, and where I came from, and started calling me there best friend. When the day was over I went out and saw my grandpa and ran with joy! As we were walking home I was telling him all aboyut my day and how fun it

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