
Personal Narrative-Kristen Is An Everyday Hero

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In life, heros are all around us. Whether they wear a cape, a police badge, a surgeon mask, turnout gear, or a baseball cap, which reads “DAD”; they are nonetheless a hero in someone’s eye. These types of heroes and many others tend to be overlooked. A commonly overlooked everyday hero to me, is a close friend of mine named Kristen. Kristen is not a firefighter, a police woman, nor a superhero; she is simply a truly kind person. As many people of the twenty-first century can agree, cruelty is common, and genuine kindness is rare. For as long as I have known her, I have never heard Kristen speak negatively towards someone. She’s the type of person to help anyone in need, and I think what the world needs is more Kristens in it. She is not only one of the nicest people I know, but also one of the funniest. But like the rest of her, her humor is what all can find funny without getting hurt. …show more content…

I think of how I could better myself as a person and be as personable and kind as she. Other friends of ours have said the same, that she has helped them better themselves. I’ve realized because of her, the importance of open mindedness, and I hope that one day her positivity is spread wider and farther to others. Her kindness may not seem to fit the word “heroic” to others, but truly opened eyes can see what a hero a genial person like Kristen

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